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considering class action on HARC
The road our grand children traverse has had nothing done to it in over 2 years,going on 3 years.
Whom ever is in charge of Rd D must not live on D rd from 4 to 8.
We are donating about a grand to a resident to bring in the machinery and gravel needed to repair the road without help from HARC as they only fix their own roads like C rd from 7 to 8 and F rd from 1 to 8 on a regular basis.
In stead of grumbling,drive slower.In stead of grumbling ,get together with all your neighbors and fix the roads you traverse yourself and do not depend upon others who never drive your section of road any how.
The roads are better since the early 1970s but do need regular maintenance .
So instead of sue ing just do the road repairs your own self.
We just bought a lot near E rd and put 2 truck loads of rock in 3 rather large holes on the road where our new lot is.
In escrow it said that our dues to HACA and HARC and a transfer fee was included in the fee's.60 to HARC, 30 to HACA and 25 transfer fee to the HACA HARC office management.
So our new lot is paid in full for this year and next.
But E rd is in bad shape from 6 to 1.
So our advice is to fix the road with your neighbors your own selves.
Do not rely on others when you can do it your own self and quit belly aching .
Whom ever is in charge of Rd D must not live on D rd from 4 to 8.
Sorry Mimosa, I don't think anybody is in charge of Rd D. The upper section gets repaired by me when I can't take it anymore. On Saturday I graded from 1 to 3 and I'll need to do it again in a month or so. Your suggestion that people get off their lazy butts and fix the roads themselves is an unlikely proposition. My Adopt a Pothole program has proven pretty disappointing so far. It's apparently too much to ask any of the many people who drive on Rd 1 to help. I bought the paving material, delivered it and placed it next to the road with simple how to instructions on how to repair a pothole. I feel like the Little Red Hen. Nobody would help the little red hen to gather the wheat, grind the flour or bake the bread. Come time to eat it however and there was lots of help. I'll probably end up being the one that finally uses the material to fix the holes too. I was really hoping that someone might take some personal responsibility. Nope. I overestimated the people here.

If you see me out there fixing the potholes just blast your horn. I'll jump out of your way. I wouldn't want to inconvenience anyone on their way out of the subdivision.
Pete, although I do not live on Rd 1 I do need to use it. A friend and I planned to go out today and fill holes but driving in yesterday the material that was left is gone.
I did notice that patches had been put down at top of one and around OVT.
Sorry we did not get out sooner but I will be happy to do what I can to keep things passable and I know my neighbor will help as well. Not to worry.
After reading all of the responses on the Hot topic of considering class action on HARC, I wanted to contribute to the post in a positive way.

I wanted to point out a common thread that seems to connect all of this wonderful place we call America. The common thread I am talking about is the lack of unity and the ability to make a difference.

So often we the people allow or should I say just accept things as they are and lack the passion to make change happen. There are so many important issues going on right now throughout our country that needs resolve and yet we as a nation continue to become complacent and just accept things as they are. BTW, I am speaking to myself as well, I admit my guilt to this as well.

My point is this, why should we just accept the brokenness of our country, like the broken roads that emergency response vehicles, law enforcement and we the people travel on. Why just continue to accept that they are in need of repair, but not doing anything about it.

I have often heard the phrase "change nothing, and nothing will change" and of course this makes sense.

So back to the original post about coming together and creating a class action, I believe this was really a request for people to join together with a common goal and make a difference, make things better.

Now this is a free country and it is everyone's freedom interpret as they see fit. Hopefully though, folks can see beyond the money and see it as a request to join forces and bring about change.

Maybe if we can come together as a people and change the surface of a gravel road, we as a nation can one day come together and not just patch, but pave a better road for our future as a nation in combating homelessness, the hungry children, and proper benefits to the men and women of our military who risk their lives so that WE can continue to be free to post anything we want on a forum called Punaweb....

Just some food for thought...
God Bless American
....."Just think about it & do the right thing"....
adopt a pothole is the best answer, just wait, you are awesome, I have used my tractor over the years on these roads, the good people actually offer me money, it's a labor of love, that is how we need to keep it, Aloha my friend!
I know how you feel when people get pissed off when we give our time for free
Originally posted by Steve W

adopt a pothole is the best answer, just wait, you are awesome, I have used my tractor over the years on these roads, the good people actually offer me money, it's a labor of love, that is how we need to keep it, Aloha my friend!


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