haaahaa, Morganlady - WalMarters!!! ROFLOL!!
My husband is Mexican-American and I'm a real Waspy-looking gal...I never thought of us as bi-racial, but when other people actually called us that I was floored!! I only saw his heart. Now I know there are plenty of you that will say "another *#@!amned bleeding heart" - okay by me. My point is that being a whitey and mostly working for lawfirms and whitey kinda jobs, I never had the discrimination thing, but Tony HAS his whole life (although never complains - it's just how he is).
So then we moved to Hawaii...and well, you can guess it...if Tony doesn't open his mouth - he's a Local brah! But I just get that uncomfortable silence aimed my way that he used to get sometimes on the Mainland. Never felt that before, but I DO understand it (considering the history of Hawaii). So I don't make too much of it unless someone is waaayyy rude. Then maybe I'll give 'em stink eye back...mostly it's bearable.
But Dawg - I mean, c'mon don't freakin' go on TV all over the freakin' place and talk up story about how redeemed you are and then in private say it's okay to slam ANYONE for what their gender, skintone or ethnic background is. That ALWAYS will get you in the end, ergo A&E couldn't risk having the Dawg-haters backlash on 'em. He got too big for his britches, and now he's gonna get humble, garrraunteeeed.
P.S. - Oh yeah - I NEVER thought he was a short guy! Haaahaaaa....I swear in my mind's eye he was 6 feet tall! That's hysterically funny to me that he's a little dude. (Disclaimer: I love men of small stature...no slam there against the general small stature male gene-pool. Don't send me emails about it.)
If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. ~Dalai Lama
Edited by - Carolann R on 11/04/2007 10:01:50