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How open and tolerant should Punaweb be?
#51're not the first ones to mention the numbers. It's nice to get the chance to say I'm not even counting. If you knew Mella or Cat or myself, you'd know that we really love talking story. Maybe too much?!

Oh yeah and Mella - a Cat House is a whole other kinda animal!!![Wink][Wink]


"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
Your suggestion about being more restraining to those that post against persons and not opinions is a good one. One reason is that it's unreasonable to evaluate a person who gives an opinion in this forum. There are many facets to a person and one opinion does not wholly represent that person's personality. Consequently, it's reasonable to voice an opinion, it's unreasonable to attack viciously that person for voicing that opinion when the person is known only via this forum.
Your suggestion about being more restraining to those that post against persons and not opinions is a good one.

I agree.
Ad hominem attacks against individuals have no place here.

Neither do blanket derogatory statements regarding a particular ethnic/religious group or nationality. I will personally continue to jump in with both enormous elephantine feet should I happen to witness it here. There are very few things on the planet that piss me off more.

Punaweb University = PU (not the best name)
College of Punaweb = COP (would keep some people away)

As for you, Cat, rather than "poopie-head" or the forehead-flick, try boot to the head.

(if you can find the original video of The Frantic's performing this, its utterly hysterical)

John Dirgo, R, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
John Dirgo, R, PB, EcoBroker, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
first, THANKS ROB,
I appreciated the civility of this forum when I first found it.
I like that about it; I don't like it when people start being hotheads and rude.
Yes, I could ignore it, but as one to whom words matter, it's not my personality to ignore -- and for that reason I don't belong to any flaming is allowed boards.

I vehemently believe that people should not send negativity to others via PM/email. I understand the impulse from people who want harmony to say "take it to PM you two" -- but in a community or family I say keep the words in the open where you're held accountable by others ... let's not encourage the poopie-heads to drag those they perceive as adversaries behind the woodshed and pummel them with no one the wiser.

In fact, if I ran a forum, harassment via email or PM would be cause for banning.

Re "post-whoring" as it's commonly known, this is nothing, negligible. I belonged to another board where people were so caught up in getting to the new level title they would start post-whore marathons of one word posts, they would post new topics asking for celebration every time their post count hit a new level, like 1000 ...

compared to that, I don't see a lot of people caught up in it. I have a lot of posts by now because I like to talk and have an exchange, that's it.

However, I would vote to get rid of the titles. For people who want to move here and become part of the place, I can totally see an incentive to get to a higher level. Even I was glad to be out of "malihini" and I don't care about post count, just didn't like seeing malihini under my name. Not that I tried to accelerate my progress with empty posts.

What I've seen the last few months is a big divide over whether the forum is for people seeking to relocate, or for a forum that tries to shape the future of Puna ... this is a compliment to Punaweb, now getting enough recognition that those with an alternate vision such as "DO NOT MOVE TO PUNA" want to voice that opinion.

While I think that prospective residents ought to listen and need to hear about realities, need to not show up all starry-eyed and naive ... I think ultimately this is a forum for people who believe it is OK to move to a new place. It is not a forum for people who are totally against newcomers and change. These people should start their own forum, because these two points of view cannot co-exist in harmony. It's not about right and wrong so much as minds that never shall meet anywhere in the middle will always butt heads and the ripples will disrupt the community.

I hope that moderate dissent to points of view continues. This forum would not be as rich if everyone totally agreed with each other. (Like that would ever happen)

Thanks Rob!
Rob, Puna Web is by far the best run forum that I’ve had the pleasure to participate. You should be very proud of the Community.

David D
We thank everyone who has written on Punaweb.

As my husband and I are in the process of moving to Puna, we have learned a lot on this forum. We accept the good, the bad, and the ugly, as it just shows us all the colorful personalities in Puna, and gives us an even better idea of who we're going to meet. Everyone is real in the forum. We do miss those that presented their "know all be all" attitudes as they too shed some light, but we understand that there are guidlines to this forum and if Rob wanted them gone, then I guess they had to go. Even though we miss those gone, you are still doing a good job, Rob. I say that because we still read this forum daily; there is still so much we learn. Plus, we love reading the talk story....

I know everything I've said has been posted in different words in posts before mine, but I sincerely thank everyone and look forward to meeting some of you some day.


I just noticed that I have been demoted from malihini to newbie and my post count is stuck at 49. Every post I made over the last week or two says 49 posts. I really dislike the whole post count thing, but if it is going to exist I would prefer it to be accurate. My vote, if this was a democracy instead of a benevolent dictatorship, would be to switch to a combination of how long a person has been a member and number of posts. Is someone who has been participating for 2 years or longer really a newbie or malihini just because they don't have 100's of posts?


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

Another solid vote of confidence here for Punaweb, the community norms of acceptable behavior which are functionally in place here, and in Punaweb's gracious moderator.

As far as suggestions, observations, or a wish-list it may be that software supporting this forum may limit those options, but --for whatever they may be worth-- here are three wishes:

1) Promoting much more visibly the "Friends of Puna's Future."
Friends of Puna's Future could be a genuinely significant contribution to the well-being of everyone in Puna if more folks would join in and participate there as they do in A Punaweb Forum. So, Rob, if it is possible to run a brief description and invitation to join Friends of Puna's Future in a colorful bar placed across the top center of all Punaweb pages then I would like to see this happen. This standing invitation could raise awareness and encourage people to join. There is a tremendous amount of life experience, perspective, and community wisdom among those participating in A Punaweb Forum; it would be wonderful if many more people from among this talent pool joined Friends of Puna's Future and actively contributed there as well.

2) Adding a non-business/govt resource links page.
A section where members can post potentially useful links to Puna-associated or Puna-relevant discussion forums (versus businesses, for which there are already spots via the links on the main Punaweb page) may be useful. For example, some links such as these-
The potential usefulness of a place for such external links may be twofold in that those who want to engage in spirited non-holds-barred political discussions, ethnic opining, or erotic adventuring can more easily see the differences between Punaweb's community norms and the community norms of other forums and so steer themselves in that direction (or be steered elsewhere, if necessary) ...and also in that having such a place for members to post potentially useful links may assist with the free sharing of information. Digging back through many pages of old posts in a thread to find and check resource links scattered here and there throughout is rather time-consuming, and one must be able to successfully search up the topic in the first place. By contrast, a page of resource links on associated topics of interest would be more accessible if available. Examples of such non-Puna specific yet potentially Puna-useful topical links might include-
Since I am active on I am aware of these resources and would be glad to post potentially useful Tribe links in a Punaweb page if there was an appropriate place for such, yet I am sure there must be all sorts of other resource links apart from Tribe of which other Punaweb community members are aware. It would be wonderful to see the diverse resource links others could post.

3) Regarding the name-tags ("newbie" and so on) and post totals, I am entirely neutral. What would be useful though, IMHO, if indeed there is some way to winnow out this information and have it added to the display, is to be able to see a number indicating how many distinct different members have visited a specific thread. For example, with regard to the "Mosquito Control & Mosquito-borne Disease" thread I initiated, I have wondered how many members have ever viewed that topic. Is it 700+ different people each looking once, yawning, and then going elsewhere never to return again, is it 150 people checking back in several times each, or is it one very worried sufferer of obsessive-compulsive disorder hovering over that thread on a several-times-daily basis which accounts for the 700+ hits?

Thanks again to Rob and the Punaweb community for making this forum such a pleasant and useful resource.
)'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'(

Astonishing skill! This archer is a real-life Legolas and then some!

)'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'(
If I understand how the forum software works, the number of views does not reflect unique visitors but total views. So, if I open a thread every day for 5 days (because there's new posts I want to read), then that counts as 5 views.

John Dirgo, R, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
John Dirgo, R, PB, EcoBroker, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell

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