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Inbound missle from N. Korea alert.
i'm relived gov ige does not have a big button on his desk...does he?
They haven't even begun to find out the repercussions of this. Can you image 10,000 people laying on the beaches on Oahu and everyone's smartphone goes off from civil defense saying incoming missiles and "this is not a drill". They were taking callers on the radio saying that people on the highway were driving up to 100 MPH to get home to their loved ones before the missiles hit . And with everything going on in the world today....a nuclear attack is very plausible. A lot of people took it seriously including me.
Ige was just on CNN with some guy who's head of warning system (Miyagi?). They had absolutely NO info, except that it happened during a shift change and someone "hit hte wrong button." It was a major snooze fest with the interviewer having a horrific time of getting anything out of them. Miyagi(?) talked as if he had just gotten there and he was going into the back room to check on what happened. Whaaa???

Our attitude was, "what are we gonna do anyway?" We were at home, so ok on that, but it's not like there are fallout shelters, let alone basements, to go to. And I don't know about you, but we have no rooms without windows. (The TV warnings said to stay indoors away from windows.)
Not to make this into a conspiracy thing, but my screenshot shows the initial alert at 8:08. Hacker humor? Someone correct me if the alert actually came in a minute or two before that.
Originally posted by Royall

Even if it was a mistake, why didn't the sirens sound when it is being announced on TV and Radio?? Is there a glitch in the system... I know.. dumb question!

My thought exactly. I got the Civil Defense message saying it was an error, but never got a message saying an attack was likely (I keep in mind that Dear Leader may not have great navigation on his toys). So how long does it take before a launch is detected to when sirens go off and CoH Civil Defense sends messages?
If you think about it, the perfect time for NK to actually attack, would have been after the second "Aww... Just kidding!" alert that we got. We would have all been... "Wow, TWO false alarms?"

"The Chief retracted the letters and said this was NOT happening."

But it did serve as a warning to everybody that it could happen. So now people are either not registering their firearms, or they are continuing to get their prescriptions filled illegally. Great job, Hawaii!
Thank the goddess I had a good bottle of Oregan Pino Noir chilled in the fridge. My first thought was how many minutes i had to execute my bucket list. 15 min?

It went out to separate alert systems: cell phone and TV. Doubt it was a hack. Just general incompetence.

Goodness gracious me. What if one does not own a cell phone or was not watching TV? No sirens should have been the clue that it was merely bungling.
Sorry to be flippant but I am compelled to recall a Far Side cartoon: Two guys are fishing on a lake, above them several incoming missiles arcing down, trailing smoke. One guy say to the other: You know what this means? Screw the limit.
Once again this state proves itself incompetent. Simple as that. Guess what, not only will no one loose their jobs, but they will give themselves a raise touting how progressive the State of Hawaii has become. I'm just wondering if the citizens of this state will every really care about how stupid we look to the rest of the world. This state is like that movie Idiocracy,if you have not seen it, please watch it, then go water your pakalolo with Gatorade because it has electrolytes. What does it really matter anyways, the only place we can hide is our cesspools or maybe a lava tube lol

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