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September 11th

I just re-read your post to me. I didn't read it very carefully the first time. I see that you are saying that I am paranoic and spreading rumors.

I assure you that these are facts. I got my information about the voter disenfranchisement of blacks in Ohio and Florida and other voting irregularities listening to the Congressional hearings to ratify the vote after the last election. Many representatives brought this up and cited events that had been reported by their constituents. There were many, many who spoked to this--50? The Black Caucus spoke one by one to the issue and were soundly ridiculed by the Republicans instead of given respect and launching an investigation into the allegations. I actually broke down and cried while listening to it. It was depressing. And very un-democratic as well as mean-spirited, rude and racist. I thought we had fought for civil rights and won years ago.

It is a well-known fact that Katherine Harris and others in Florida purged the voter roles before the election taking thousands of mostly black voters off the list in 2000.

As for Diebold voting machines it is also a fact that they have no paper trail and that the men in charge of Diebold are gung ho Bush supporters who literally promised the election to the Republicans. When asked for access to how the machines work and the programming of them, the company has replied that it is proprietary knowledge and they will not divulge this information.

This is all a matter of record and you can check my facts through reliable sources.

In the county I live in in California (Mendocino) the voters have declared that they will not use any voting machines that do not have a paper ballot record. If there is no record, no vote can be assured or recounted.

God help us preserve our democracy.


Wouldn't this topic be better served on or Do we really need to get our panties in a twist on this forum? How abut a little more aloha?


"Love your enemies. It makes them so damn mad."- P.D. East
“Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes it feels real good.”
- Henry Rollins

Oh I found the web site for the movie I saw last evening, for those who are interested.

It is worth seeing in my opinion and gave lots of good ideas on how even individuals can help have an impact on our environment.

Proof of individual impact is right here on this forum, with the dedication of Carey and Dan with other volunteers, working on the beach cleanup, removing if I recall correctly 800 lbs of debris. Helping to educate people on the effects of willy nilly throwing trash into the sea and its affect on children, the beauty of the island, and the problems visited upon the sea life. You guys are the greatest and I hope to be there to help next year!

Aloha, Mella

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
"Wouldn't this topic be better served on or "

this is a typical right wing response when someone questions the official party line, the warmonger in chief and his sidekick cheney do this often, just last month cheny called all the voters in CN who voted for the antiwar canditate, " american taliban".

loffelkopffl - What do you think this is a country that allows free speech? You're suppose to shut up, stop thinking and let the neo cons think for you, they have your future all figured out already. Tune out of reality and tune in to reality television. Didn't you know George Bush said 'the Constitution is just a goddamn piece of paper'. So be a good American and shut up and do whatever the neo cons want, like micro-chipping you in the future, it's in the best interest of our nation. If your not with them you must be a terrorist aren't you. Obviously rwb knows more and is smarter than all those silly PhDs, Scientists, Professors and Engineers.

'Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security. He who gives up freedom for safety deserves neither.' Benjamin Franklin

I think our forefathers are turning over in their graves!
Oops I'm sorry, I forgot the Bush/Cheney administration has created free speech 'ZONES'. We can't freely speak or dissent from the official party line anymore like American's could for 230 years. Somebody needs to check if Punaweb is one of Bush's Free Speech Zones.
I would just like to say that I think that hyperbole, sarcasm, ill will and attacks are not conducive to a free exchange of ideas. It is this free exchange of ideas which is necessary to maintain a democracy. It behooves all of us to remain civil and treat one another as we would like to be treated. No one was ever convinced of the merit of another's viewpoint through badgering and contempt.

Mahiai, I hear that you are extremely angry at what is going on in this country--it has essentially been hijacked by a group of people whose motives are questionable and whose actions are deplorable. But when you turn that anger toward a member of the community, it isn't directed toward the right people...and it is polarizing.

As for Punaweb--I am delighted that Rob allows this kind of exchange--it wouldn't be tolerated on Konaweb. BUT if this discourse deteriorates into attacks and name-calling, then Rob will probably also have to call a halt.

Let's practice true democracy and exchange facts and opinions in an atmosphere of civility and consideration. What do you say?

Aloha Punatics
See ya!


Haven't heard from you or Lek lately! How is the planting doing, the lovely garden mountains, hey are you up for the Punatic party at your place? I'd love to see the gardens!!

Do you need or have any plants to share with neighbors? What you are just a lurker now. Does Lek post on any of the garden web sites? Aloha

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
I can attest that Don is looking fit as a fiddle and that his place is just beautiful.

By the way, I haven't heard anything from Buddydharma, my buddy who lives in Puna.

That is really the better site for likeminded folks.

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