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Why is everybody always picking on me?
Okay, okay, this has gone on long enough, folks. I've been in the studio all day and it's getting a little late here so excuse me if I don't quite get this right. First, I don't know my IP whatever, but my e mail is so go ahead and post it if you want.
I've been a performer all my life so slipping into someone else's skin (as I see that skin) is not so hard for me. Sorry Kathy H. I like what I see of you and don't like seeing you get in the middle of something that's my doing. This whole thing started with a post I made about a racist joke that bothered me. The joke WAS racist. I never said the person who made the joke was racist. And as I said too many times, it wasn't the joke that bothered me as much as the fact that there wasn't outrage about it. Ironic that I'm now in the middle of the most racist part of the country. But I Digress. I really wanted to know if things had changed that much in what I think of as the "lower" subdivisions. I remember the "hippie' days when things were so much different. The whole thing morphed as many thing on the Internet do into something tangentially bizarre. So the Lack kept making outrageous posts and saying, "hey, just joking, can't you people laugh?" and on and on and on. He stated in an almost obsessive way of how he sees me (way, way off base, by the way)and even graced me with a cartoon which also by the way looks remarkably nothing like me. My words were twisted, as were other's to fit a few folks vision of who they thought they were talking about. This "vision" got locked into their brains and as far as I could tell was based on stereotypes of my particular morals and ethics which, by the way, I push on no one. The way I live is very personal and somewhat inconceivable to some. Anyway I found it a little frustrating that no matter what I said, these few people kept responding to their "vision" of who they think I am. The really odd part was Lack's assertion that I have no sense of humour. Hell, I've written jokes for some and even performed for a time with a comedian. I'm fairly well known for my sense of humour.
So, out of this frustration (this is not an excuse as I don't feel the need to make one), I did make that post on Lack's site. I thought the irony would be obvious, but irony is too often lost. Hey Lack, it was only a joke. I can laugh in Spanish, German, Russian, and even Czech. You ask others to laugh at "jokes" made at people's expense. Can you do the same?
I don't know you, or John, MD700000, but what I've seen of you I'm not too fond of. In person maybe it would be different, maybe not. I do try to live a certain lifestyle where it should be different, but I'm just not that evolved. This was what I thought was a taste of your own medicine. In reality I do feel bad for your wife and your obvious strong feelings of love and only for that part of my post on your site, I'm sorry, truly. But the post was a joke. Get it?
To all here who aren't the perceived "gang," sorry. Really. This has gone on long enough. Sorry I started the whole damn thing about the original "joke." It has been divisive and in retrospect not something I should have gotten into at all. This whole thing is getting a little too close. My anonimity and isolation here are precious to me.
Lastly, I do like a lot of what I see of many of you here, and to you I am really sorry if I caused any of you time or frustration or anything negative.
That's all. I hope all this is somehow clear. I can't wait to get back home. I'm having a blast here but I sorely miss my Island, the sound of the birds in the morning, the quiet and calm, my friends, the smell of the rainforest, and especially my beautiful volcano.
Kona Dave,

I must say that after reading your response you make Orchidlandguy look like the poster child that was left behind.

I guess he missed the bus that day no child was to be left behind in school, nicely done my hat is off to intelligence, Hey Orchidlandguy, you had better regroup you have been sooooo out classed it’s almost worth another toon.

The lack

Originally posted by konadave

Originally posted by mdd7000

Brilliant response, Dave. [Big Grin]

(I have never met Dave, but talked on the phone, ONCE, about a possible business opportunity. Nice guy.)

"Brilliant response" LOL!!! That is pretty funny!!! [Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin]

So remind me of this business opportunity. You have the advantage of knowing who I am but I don't know who you are?[?][?][?]

Thanks for the kind words.

|---The Ka'u Web---||---The Kona Forum---||-----Da Kine Hosting-----|
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It was almost 2 years ago - computer related...
Just went to The Lack's blog.Thought it might be a good idea to repost what Mauka did there for those that haven't read it.

January 22, 2011 at 3:43 am

Hey Y’all – Mauka here. I’ve made my last post on punaweb and want to leave y’all with this final note. Sometimes the laughers have no idea when they are being laughed at. You have provided me with amusement but I’m tired of you now that I got you to “cry” on Punaweb. *****! And to the biggest ***** of all, John Rabid – Like I give a **** about your immigrant sob story. Look at me, I’m so ****ing special, I came to this country and couldn’t talk and now I can talk. Dude, you is a major ****ing *****. (In Eastern accent) Vhen I vork at Furtune 500 company, I sucked dick till it vas dry and now laugh at eeediots. Well Ha Ha asshole. I’ve enjoyed laughing at you too.
MDD70000000 Get a life and an original thought in your little skull. ’nuff said. So thanks, leeetle boys."


The phrase, "What a jerk" comes to mind as well as "hypocrite".

Hey Makua,

Ha ha ha ha ha.... caught with you pants down Ha ha ha ha ha.... You showed everyone who you are Ha ha ha ha ha.... You can’t un-ring a bell Ha ha ha ha ha.... [that’s a joke son that’s a joke]

You can try and un-ring that bell until the cows come home pal. You waited how long to chime in, and look how many people that you made stick their foot in their mouth attempting to stand up for you. Why, because you are the pot stirrer, I only brought it to light. All of the good people on Punaweb now have your number so some good came of it.

The Madland suits you, you may want to think about staying.

The lack
Originally posted by mdd7000

[quote]Originally posted by mdd7000
It was almost 2 years ago - computer related...

I hope I was helpful!?!?!?!? [Smile][Smile][Smile]

|---The Ka'u Web---||---The Kona Forum---||-----Da Kine Hosting-----|
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hey, Mauka, I'm fine, thanks for feeling bad for me but not your fault. In the process of this topic, Tom has gone from veiled hostility towards me to open hostility. Well, we all know I hope that a veil doesn't mean it's not there, so nothing really changed.

I knew that the Mauka who posts here would not post that as a way of showing his inner bigot. So it was a performance, a good one, got me too.

Let's see if I understand. There are people here who say that humor is humor no matter if it attacks someone or belittles them -- even "jokes" that are really no more than a string of insults and stereotypes. You wrote a post that pushed the envelope but basically employed the same technique of insult, mockery, sarcasm, bigotry.

They say that telling this kind of joke says nothing about who they are.

By their stated definition of humor, they should have laughed at your post, but instead they said, "see, now we see who Mauka truly his, his true colors."

Yep, you made your point.
KathyH - Did you read Mauka's post? He didn't intend it to be a joke until it backfired. Now he backpedals trying to explain it. It was a series of direct, personal attacks. He isn't worth defending.
Yes, mdd, I read Mauka's post, and after you questioned whether I understood it, I went back and read it again to see if I read it too fast the first time. I am not "defending." I liked what he said: it was thoughtful, soul-searching, summed up the history well, took responsibility for being part of the cause of the recent brouhaha.

When a person is truly bigoted and prejudiced, I rarely if at all see that person able to avoid letting it peek out here and there, even if the person tries to be PC. I don't believe that anyone who truly hated John for being an Eastern European immigrant would have felt the need to protest the lack of protest to the "cans" joke. *shrug*

Bigots can't crawl into non-bigoted skin, but it's easy enough to make up a bigoted attack as a dose of "medicine" to the usual distributors, as there are plenty of models.

If you want to think that Mauka is both a closeted hater of other ethnicities and orientations and the person who is extremely disturbed by such behavior, OK, then you believe Mauka is an extreme mass of contradictions. We all have our contradictions, but I just don't see that. I think the explanation he gave is perfectly logical.
Originally posted by The Lack

Holy golly gee KathyH,

you sure make a lot of accusations for someone that self-proclaims such a vast knowledge of facts. Your first posted on this thread,

KathyH said:
I wasn't going to respond to this topic, but you've got this so wrong. Did it occur to you that some posters are not siding with Tom but rather practicing the "ignore the bait" advice given by our moderator? I didn't so much resist the bait but more wasn't interested in the topic other than seeing how people reacted to it.

Ever since you weren’t going to respond to this topic you have just about written a novel. Typical for you with your infinite wisdom on every thread here on Punaweb. You just couldn’t resist it could you, people having a conversation and it didn’t revolve around you and your vast knowledge of truths. Have you not ever posted you .02 cents worth on any thread?

Don’t call me out lady, some of us can be very formidable.
I could post Mauka’s IP and e-mail, but what for? If Rob wants to see if the IP matches it is up to him to ask not for you to assume and make accusations.

The Lack

Tom K thank you for the good wishes you are most surely one of the good guys.
The Lack Toons

Well, Tom, looks like you have a major problem with me. If you don't like my posting to the discussion, don't read my posts. You complain about me writing a novel. Sorry, I like words. I read a lot of very long books when I was a kid, and I read fast, and long reads don't bother me. My job on the mainland was helping people read writers like Chaucer, Milton, Spenser, Joyce, Shakespeare --writers not known for brevity. Short and to the point is not my deal and it's not even my goal.

My posts are as long as it takes to say what I want to say. They aren't some sort of dick-measuring contest, but that's how you react. It doesn't seem to occur to you that writing out a long post can be a product of thinking long and hard about stuff. You can only read it as a cry to be the center of attention. That's unfortunate that your interpretation of why a person writes is limited to seeing ego trips wherever you look.

If you can find where I state that I have infinite wisdom, I would love to see it. Oh yes, and the place I talk about my vast knowledge of truths. Don't forget to show me where I get upset that people are talking without having it revolve around me. Do you get upset when it doesn't revolve around you, so you imagine I feel that way? I don't.

I post a lot because I like to think, and Punaweb makes me think. Not a lot of mental stimulation in my everyday Hawai'i life, not like in Berkeley where I had no end of people to exchange ideas with. Pardon me for treating a discussion forum as if it's an invitation to all to join in the discussion.

You seem incapable of putting aside your delusional ideas about what motivates me. When you posted about Barbara, I immediately sat down and wrote you best wishes and a sincere person to person bit of empathy. You then completely ignored that and trashed me, then pointedly thanked TomK for his good wishes. That says a lot about you, Tom, that you couldn't let go of the animosity and see that I was sincere and that to me the well-being of a loved one is so much more important than internet bickering.
Don’t call me out lady, some of us can be very formidable.
[:0] Really? Is that a threat? What are you going to do? Hit me with a cartoon? Or are you telling me that your "formidable" cabal is coming after me with more than words? As for nasty words, they can only bother me when they're from someone I respect. You've ensured that's not an issue.

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