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free lunch
Jobs also has chinese production workers jumping off buildings because they cant keep up with corporate (apple) demands as to production line speeds and out put - welcome to capitalism 1A

now back to scheduled programing - grin!5542527/undercover-...ll-factory

edit to add link
I answered the question Re: the Gates/ Jobs comment @ 8:26 yesterday.
And a lot of Americans buy stuff made by exploited Chinese workers,
because we make few consumer goods here in the US anymore.
As for this poster, I'm doing things to develop sustainability in agriculture/ agronomy
locally here on this island.
It's been an interesting thread. I've kind of been zinged a bit, but that's OK.
It is good to see the various thoughts and attitudes etc.,,, expressed here.
I appreciate Rob and the participants in this forum.
Can you imagine if early and pre-industrial man had been reading Ann Rand?**lol**

See the mighty individual in the forest. Behold, the mighty individual getting eaten by a tiger...

The Africans have a saying, "When spiders unite, they can tie down a lion."

They must not have read Ann Rand!

Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."

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