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cat shootings
For KathyH and anyone else in denial about cats killing birds,please read this :

PS KathyH
If your cats are killing a mouse a day I suggest you clean up the garbage around your house to eliminate the mice.Also you may not be seeing native birds because your cats have eaten them all.If you read the USGS article it suggests that you keep your cats well fed,if your cats kill and eat a mouse every,you must not feed them enough !
Birds? nope, never been killed by my two cats, not that they don't chatter when a bird stares them back. Rodents? one kills, yes. One only watches...never killed a thing. But she makes me laugh every day and that's worth millions! How do I know about no bird killings? If you know cats, you know they always bring their capture home, into the house, alive or dead.

My little black cat was a gopher killer back in Oregon. One winter, we had a pile of snow covering the pasture fields. Snow cover was not unusual in winter (2-3 feet for weeks). One day, it rained on the snow and froze so that the surface of the deep snow had such a thick top layer of ice, the cats and dogs could walk on top without falling through. At the same time, the gophers, actively cutting out new holes under the snow cover, dug tunnels up through the ice. My cat couldn't kill gophers fast enough that day...they were all over the top of the snow and they were unable to tunnel through the ice before being pounced on. My deck was laden with dead gophers when I got home from work. Had to feed my cat special food that night.

Obie, you're my friend and I will never forget you coming to my house to help me with my solar water heating setup. But, my friend, my cats are very well fed. In fact, a woman who studied cat behavior for all her life told me to feed my cats well, not the generic food, and they will be the best hunters. So who do you believe. I believe the cat woman.

There's good folk on here. We all just have our own personal views. Blessings to you all!

He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.

Nana Valley:

According to these folks at Kittycams.uga, you are dead wrong about cats bringing home their kills. They leave half of them out there and 3/4 of the kills were thrill-killings for sport (not eaten). As for believing the "cat woman", which one? The majority of those to whom that title is normally assigned are out there doing TNR and they all claim that feeding makes the cats less likely to kill. Sounds like your cat woman agrees with those who are against TNR. Feeding just supports a population of killers and makes them better at it.

This type of inconsistency is what I meant earlier when I referred to not doing even basic reality checks. TNR advocates typically say whatever sounds catchy in the heat of the moment or what will play well to the torch and pitchfork wielding mob (thanks terracore) without cross-referencing it against what else has been said. It is not surprising that no accommodation has been made for reality either.
Wow, unknownjulie sure can get people going with two sentences.
I remember how my Tweaker Zapper invention went over like a big dud. I designed a remote controlled high voltage zapper to punish and take down thieving tweakers. It had a cell phone app and computer software. The streaming visual included real time night and day vision and a joy stick Zapper aiming and fire system.
Turned out one persons thieving tweaker is someone elses kid or grandkid,etc. I do kind of like the TNR idea though. The ongoing point is the problem is not solved but it does offer traction in the direction of solution. In the world of people and cats that is something.
so, you self righteous twit. Just how is taking a feral to the humane society mistreating it and a reflection of someones humanity. In my view dumping the animal back where it came from to starve or die of disease is much worse than having the animal put down. I guess its ok for us to spend lots of money to rectify someone else stupidity.

dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
"Well so I'm a Nazi because I recognize that a feral cat turned into the HS will be euthanized, Lovely."

Uh, no Dick, I called you a Nazi because you wrote this:

"I'm only frustrated because the world is over-run with idiots. Putting neutered ferals back where they came from only passes the final solution on to me or others. Need to put down the morons who turn there unwanted pets loose to starve or turn feral. You have a cat and you are not a RESPONSIBLE breeder, neuter the damn thing. Unforunately society won't allow us to use a final solution for the morons turning there unwanted pets loose. Seems like the HS could do double duty and put down the owners at the same time."

Now, perhaps you were drunk when you wrote it, or you thought it was a joke (in very bad taste), or maybe you're just stupid, but the actual "final solution" used gas chambers to dispatch people. You know what animal shelters often still use? Gas chambers. If you had any sense of propriety, you'd be profusely apologizing right now.

So let me be charitable and just assume you're stupid. Do I think trapping and taking animals to the HS is inhumane, knowing they'll probably be euthanized? No, not in the current environment. But of course discussion here hasn't exactly limited itself to that possibility. People are talking about gunning down ferals, strays and pets with reckless abandon. While shooting a pet is probably no less humane than gassing it, it's still cruel not only to the pet, but even more importantly, the owners.
Agree 100%: the world is over-run with idiots.
OK so we are going with personal attacks. Works for me. YOU TNR people pass the problem back to others, then wring your hands over what is in fact a final solution to the problem. Do I personally think abandoning an animal in the wild is a capital offense. YOU DAMN RIGHT. Would it both me to see people who do that executed, not for a second. So maybe I'm stupid because I fail to see why me or someone like me should bear the expense of the stupidity of releasing ferals back into the environment. Guess so. But I rest secure in the knowledge that those of you who feed these vermin make it so much easier to determine the right bait to eradicate the problem. And by the by I don't need a history lesson, AS I pointed out, euthanizing these cats is in fact a final solution. If the term final solution upsets your delicate little PC clock. too damn bad.

dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
Ok, so now you want to see people who abandon animals executed. This just keeps getting better. Anything else?
I'll rephrase. The world is 100% overrun with idiots.

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