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Went through Nanawale to Kahakai... many of the roads in Nanawale have massive trees down, & most every road had at least some tree parts that were downed...I image for some there, it will be quite a bit for all of the services to be back up, even for the roads to be clear (some had really massive trees across...)
Right after HELCO announced that power outages could last into the week, our power went on.

They like to use Scotty's technique (on Star Trek) of lowering expectations before delivering the goods: "We can't do it captain, we just don't have the power!"

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
Power came on at about 3pm on 40th in Orchidland, got a call from Helco about 3 hours later (I did eventually get through after re-dialing re-dialing re-dialing, and then waiting on hold for 15 minutes (why don't they have an online automated system for this (?)). The lady on the phone told me that 'everyone else in my area' got their power on at 11am (?). Why tell me this when our power came on hours after that, I do not know.

ETA: accuracy
Originally posted by Rattlestaff

Is anyone else's Time Warner out in HPP?

Don't know what caused it, but power went out in upper HA again just after dark last night. Trouble desk said someone several roads away from me also called it in, so it was probably something on Kulani or the highway. Came back on about 3am. Lights! Power! Action!

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I left for the mainland last night, but am looking for updates on power in Leilani Estates today out of concern for my neighbors -- any good news?

That wind was scary, blew over so many trees again. Went for a walk along Leilani Avenue around 9 AM on Valentine's Day, and kept hearing trees cracking and falling, and even relatively small trees were toppling as we walked. Those Albizias are terrorist trees. But on my property it is the Ohi'a that are falling, dead or alive, and that is just sad.
Depends on where they are. Nohea street, Malama side, has power now. Some areas will take longer.

Thank you Jay. Been in touch with a few buddies, power still out, turning out to be good for Pahoa restaurants -- friends all heading into town for some fresh food and bright lights.

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