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Shelves at Costco, Target, Walmart, etc. lately?
Just came back from my first outing in 9 days. CostULess was not particularly crowded. Produce was wiped out, but often is on Mondays. Well-stocked on dairy and meat. Soup was gone, limited pasta, limited bread. Everyone was pleasant and respectful.

Then on to KTA, more crowded than usual but not outrageous and again, everyone was respectful. Shelves were well-stocked except for the obvious and not a lot of meat.

Certainty will be the death of us.
My quip might be a better fit for the unconfirmed rumors thread but maybe dry beans are the new gold - mainly because they're a lot more consumable. Buy accordingly.
Social media showing long lines of people waiting to get into the Hilo Home Depot.
I heard that they are limiting the number of people allowed in the store at one time (Best Buy doing same on mainland). Not sure what the max allowed is, but hopefully they are also keeping everyone well apart in the line outside.
We asked my brother in law who is a manager at a Lowe's on the madland. He said people are panic buying all sorts of things. In his department people are buying all the potting soils, seeds, plant starts, etc.

Dispenseries shutting down? Wink

I went to Target this morning for the every Wednesday seniors only 7:00-8:00 am shopping hour. I call it Seniors on Parade. They had an employee outside asking customers to maintain a 6 foot space between each other. At 7:00 they opened the door. Another employee inside gave out a cleaning wipe for eac person. I'd say about 1/4 of the customers had masks. They were out of hamburger and steaks. Traffic was heavy at the TP/paper towel area. They did have some of both.I finished up and was home just after 8:00. It was one line heading down the isle adjoining the cash registers. An employee asked me if I wanted to do self check, or have a cadhier. I said, cashier please, he found me a register with no customers in it, so that went fast. I had planned to get maybe 4-6 cans of soup, but that isle was almost empty.

I think these senior shopping hours are a good thing. I walk with a cane, so get around a might slowly. Heck, I get up early anyway, so driving to Target, or Walmart, or Foodland, or KTA early is no hardship. At that early time (about 6:30) when Igot to the top of Shower in HPP, there were only two cars infront of me at the light. Easily got parked at Target by 5:50 or so.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
At ... (about 6:30) when I got to the top of Shower in HPP, there were only two cars in front of me at the light.

Thank for the report birdmove. So almost no morning rush hour traffic? Is it the same all the way into Hilo?
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I also hit Target for the early seniors' hour and had a mixed experience. I had been about a week ago, so I will make a few comparisons in the pros and cons.

Pros: Better stocked overall than the last time, especially paper products, but canned goods of just about all sorts were virtually absent. The queue management was excellent, and an intimidating looking line all the way back to the far end of the store got me through in just a few minutes. They had plenty of cart wipes, something that Safeway next door was out of when I went there at 07:45. There was plenty of friendly, helpful staff on hand.

Cons: It was far more crowded than last week, and for that reason I will probably not do the senior thing again. Most people were polite and maintained good distance, but some boors were pushing through and getting in other people's space to grab things rather than waiting. I got jostled a couple of times. One guy grabbed my cart handle with his bare hands and moved it while I was two feet away taking something off a shelf. He gave me a dirty look as I turned back to the cart. I ended up parking my cart in a disused corner of the dry goods department and ferrying things to it. That made it easier to navigate the aisles.

Overall, I rate Target management highly and the seniors in the place mixed. If I hadn't has some non-grocery things on my list, Safeway would have been a better option despite the lack of cart wipes. (I carry my own anyway.) No crowds, no queues at checkout, and their groceries were as well stocked as Target overall. Safeway's prices on non-sale items are well known to be higher, but that becomes less important to me in the current situation.

Oh, and one last thing. I took a hot soapy shower when I got home.
This was the first day of no contraflow and there was still less traffic. Very quick commute.

Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

At ... (about 6:30) when I got to the top of Shower in HPP, there were only two cars in front of me at the light.

Thank for the report birdmove. So almost no morning rush hour traffic? Is it the same all the way into Hilo?


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