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2020 tropical storm / hurricane thread
It only takes a dozen forum whingers to manifest the "us-vs-them" paradigm? We are truly blessed. Punaweb for Congress.

As I noted above, gas engines are highly variable. We could all meet up at Depot, buy the exact same make/model, everyone go home and take good care of it, come back in a year, one of them won't start. Could be the gas, could be small mechanical bits in the jungle, who knows. Reality is, you need to know if it's going to work when you need it, and repair/replace if not. ("...and THAT'S what THIS WEEK'S show is about! Look here!")
That's what I was eluding to when I called it a crap shoot. I guess it makes sense, except for the part where I end up with the good one.

"Maybe your technique is better?"

I expected to spend all morning on it and it ended up taking 5 minutes. But I certainly won't be depending on the same luck next time. I will allot the same amount of time and hope to be surprised again.

BTW, I ran it for a while with a small load, then turned off fuel valve and ran it out of gas. Left the gas in the tank and put it away. I look forward to revisiting this and sharing my results next time around. Well, maybe I don't really.
It only takes a dozen forum whingers to manifest the "us-vs-them" paradigm?

Give us more credit than that.
I’d argue we’re perfectly “us-vs-them” capable with far fewer than twelve.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Hmmm... it never dawned on me there might be a quorum.
FYI ..Tried to return the generator I purchased 20 days ago "unopened" at Home Depot today.  They said there are no returns on any generator purchases unless there is something broken.
Don’t panic, there’s no storm developing at the moment.
In fact this may be good news for the remainder of the hurricane season.  We’re now in a La Niña weather pattern, with lower ocean temperatures, and hopefully fewer and weaker tropical storms for Hawaii the rest of 2020:

La Niña is the periodic cooling of the equatorial eastern and central Pacific ocean. When sea-surface temperatures are cooler than average by at least 0.9 degrees Fahrenheit (0.5 degrees Celsius), along with consistent atmospheric indications for at least three consecutive months, La Niña is considered to be present.
I was also reading that normally this spells higher rainfall for Hawaii.

But not this time.

Supposedly, “climate change” might actually mean less rain......
Puna:  Our roosters crow first!
We are definitely in the clear for a while.

I just bought a brand new generator and am having the electrical work done next week.
(09-11-2020, 06:07 AM)Chas Wrote: We are definitely in the clear for a while.

I just bought a brand new generator and am having the electrical work done next week.
Would you share, when completed, who did the electrical work and the cost and your opinion?

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