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Superferry Pros and Cons...
Here's what I think...
I think the HSF should come to Hilo instead of Kawaihae.
I think if HSF has to do an EIS than so should Matson, Young Brothers and the Cruise Industry.
You can't make a rule for HSF and exclude everyone else.

According the HSF, it is too rough to traverse channel between Maui and Big island
and it would take much longer to go from HNL-KWHE versus HNL-Hilo

When taxpayer money is used to build
infrastructure for a singular entity, a EA is required to be done. The DOT made abonehead mistake by exempting the HSF from doing a EA. As YB/Matson/NCL never received taxpayer funds to build their their infrastructure.

Edited by - Aaron S on 08/27/2007 19:16:33
Here's what I think...
I think the HSF should come to Hilo instead of Kawaihae.
I think if HSF has to do an EIS than so should Matson, Young Brothers and the Cruise Industry.
You can't make a rule for HSF and exclude everyone else.

According the HSF, it is too rough to traverse channel between Maui and Big island
and it would take much longer to go from HNL-KWHE versus HNL-Hilo

When taxpayer money is used to build
infrastructure for a singular entity, a EA is required to be done. The DOT made abonehead mistake by exempting the HSF from doing a EA. As YB/Matson/NCL never received taxpayer funds to build their their infrastructure.

Edited by - Aaron S on 08/27/2007 19:16:33

Hmmmm...this almost sounds like an EA is more about politics than it is the environment.

"What? Me Worry?" - Alfred E. Nueman
"Vote with your money!"
Guess we will see what happens Wednesday at the hearing.

It was certainly shocking to see the rather uncivil protests that occurred on Kauai. Beating peoples car's , as they were exiting?? Go Home ???
Those Superferry patrons were "home", perhaps not their respective island, but this is all Hawaii isn't it ?

There seemed to be one "Sovereignty" activist that was, to say the least, egging everyone on.

Good article in HNL Advertiser re: the SuperFerry protestors.

There's more commentary on Peaceful protests on this forum as well.

I like the idea of ferries between the islands but I want to make sure the marine life is not harmed by it and the state&feds need to step up to the plate re: harbor and highway infrastructure PRIOR to putting the SF into operation. And that's why an EIS addressing all such issues should be mandatory.

Malama pono, Frankie

What is so ironic is how accepted the large cruise ships have been and how much damage they have done to the Hawaiian waters and sealife. I lived on a trimaran for years in Hawaii sailing all over the islands and living onboard at Ala Wai, Lahaina, Hanalei, Kailua etc. and I witnessed miles of human waste floating in the channels from these cruise boats pumping their waste directly into the sea and I've witnessed this action slowly kill the coral reefs over the years. You don't see that in their brochures!

The truth is the Hawaii Superferry is one the most environmentally advanced vessels and could offset tons of carbon emissions from all those 20 minute airline flights.

Environmental Features:

"Hawaii Superferry is committed to serving Hawai‘i as an environmentally friendly seagoing operator and is mindful of its responsibility to all ocean life and each island’s unique ecosystem. The vessel’s design incorporates the latest in environmentally responsible maritime technology.

The ferry’s waterjet propulsion system has no exposed propellers, thus vastly increasing protection for marine mammals such as whales and Hawaiian seals.

The ferry will not discharge wastewater or any trash or other solid waste – these will all be carefully disposed of while the ship is docked in Honolulu. The hull features a unique non-toxic, specially slick paint that will keep unwanted aquatic hitchhikers from traveling across Hawai‘i's waters. Unlike conventional ships, the catamaran design does not require ballast tanks in which invasive species can catch a ride between our Islands."
Steve & Regina
Hawaiian Acres / North Lake Tahoe

'If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there' - George Harrison
Protesting idiots. What good will it do to stop progress? They should have done their homework and had the Env impact study done prior to the startup. It is just a stalling tactic now.


These are the same people who would protest against Thomas Edison because electricity is dangerous!

Progress will eventually prevail...

"What? Me Worry?" - Alfred E. Nueman
"Vote with your money!"
it seems the "protesting idiots" are smarter than some of the leaders, lol!!

this is what happens when some try to circumvent the law, they get called out, lol!

Some of the ecological disasters that worry the people of Kauai are the inadvertant introduction of coqui frogs and annoying Fireants to their fragile ecosystem. Congratulations for shutting down the superferry. Peaceful protest is not just a right, but the responsibility of a free people.

Edited by - greg on 08/28/2007 20:27:02
I agree, the residents of Kauai and Maui have very legitimate reasons to be very concerned and it's now or never for them to be proactive. My point is that the cruise ships, such as NCL, are having a HUGE negative environmental impact in Hawaii and nobody is protesting them. It's kind of like protesting a future wind farm instead of the nuclear power plant next door.
Steve & Regina
Hawaiian Acres / North Lake Tahoe

'If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there' - George Harrison

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