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Hawaiian Shore's speed bumps
Oh wait til the dirt bikes and ATV find out about this. Can you say Yahooooooooooooo!
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction." - Albert Einstein
No need to slow for the bumps on a motorcycle, ATV or lifted truck. The only people that need to slow for them for real are regular cars and big work trucks.
Talked to some people, sounds like the plan is to make Coastal Puna the highway instead of Papio st. Not something I would vote for. I say keep the highway where it is.
This has been the "plan" since the 70's. That is why Coastal Puna Parkway is so wide. It is supposed to be the coastal road. Still in the PCDP that way. The wider the road, the faster the traffic moves.
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction." - Albert Einstein
Oh Whitey - you are wrong again. The concept of a coastal highway connecting Hilo to Kapoho was launched in the 1960's general plan and is not alive and well in any current planning document. The easement of Coastal Puna Pkwy is 60' as opposed to the easement on Papio at 40'. The actual width of blacktop is only 3' wider on Coastal Puna Pkwy than on Papio so not a substantial difference.

Cold patch? If anyone tries that on the HSCA roads without approval they better be prepared to defend their actions in court! The roads in HSCA are collectively owned and any improvements become the property of HSCA so the board would have to approve such actions.

It is interesting that everyone jumps to conclusions about the new flow of traffic without any concrete proof! You can rent a traffic/speed counter for $100 a week. Maybe put your money where your mouths are!

Originally posted by Whitey

This has been the "plan" since the 70's. That is why Coastal Puna Parkway is so wide. It is supposed to be the coastal road. Still in the PCDP that way. The wider the road, the faster the traffic moves.

Well the explanation I heard was:
"We have been dealing with traffic on this street(the highway) now for years, so we put in the speed bumps" "They are going slow now, if those guys up there want speed bumps, they will have to put them in themselves."
In other words: We built on a highway and we don't like the traffic, now its your problem.
#77 isn't that the root of all evil?

The golden rule: "Those with the gold rule" Those without, live with the consequences and too bad for you.
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction." - Albert Einstein
It sounds like some people here in paradise would promote speeding cars over speed bumps, or convenience over safety.

I wouldn't worry about guerrilla bumps being uninstalled; the foes are too worried about saving a few minutes to do any time consuming neighborhood activism. They'll just speed up another street(until bumps are placed there).
I am sure once the 99% figure out they are being screwed by the 1% that they might do something about it.
Originally posted by Greg

It sounds like some people here in paradise would promote speeding cars over speed bumps, or convenience over safety.

I wouldn't worry about guerrilla bumps being uninstalled; the foes are too worried about saving a few minutes to do any time consuming neighborhood activism. They'll just speed up another street(until bumps are placed there).

Actually I think it sounds like some people who live on a highway want the traffic there to drive through the neighborhood instead of on the highway. Again I ask was anybody hit by a car on Papio? I never thought it was that bad. The reason I heard for the speed bump was "the cars racing past were noisy" well now the trucks and cars hitting the bumps are twice as noisy and other people are speeding down local neighborhood roads. The traffic will only increase with time, more people driving through neighborhoods. I wonder who will take responsibility if those crack heads that were driving on the highway start robbing people in the neighborhood because they were driving where they should not have been.

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