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Hawaiian acres roads/community association
mimosa I hope you get some help with your road . I am familiar with how bad D road has become , barely passable in some sections. I have read on the face book page that money is pouring in to HARC , they say so much they don't need to even consider mandatory fees . so we should all expect some serious repairs very soon , unless it is spent on their legal fees for the lawsuit the are embroiled in. HACA just elected a new board but not off to a very good start as the first order of business was for the newly elected vice president to resign and a new on be appointed in an unscheduled /unannounced private impromptu meeting , governed by teleconference president . she quickly appointed a new vice president and added a couple board members. the new board seems to be following in lock step to the very issues and violations they accused the old board of . by law violations .
Originally posted by birchl

Mrs.mimosa, i have no idea why you are asking perfect strangers to research your road for you, but i suspect that either this is a joke that i somehow missed the punchline on, or it is some attempt to insult me that i do not understand. Yes the community center is and should be a no smoking zone. that does not include outside the center, but most smokers will move away from non-smokers if asked. as far as drugs, they are illegal everywhere so i don't quite see your point. you are absolutely wrong about the pacemaker or most of New-York would be dead by now. Smile


After my mother got a pace maker her cardiologist told her that she should not be near anyone using a cell phone, nor use laptops or I pads resting on the chest while surfing the web either.

I don't have a dog in this fight, but the issue with cell phones and pacemakers is real.
We think that since every lot owner,owns part interest in the road lot itself,that every lot owner should automatically be a member and have a say and a vote and lower the amount due to $40.00 a year for roads and $20.00 to office admin only.
Thank you for the update from face book .Really appreciated.We may attend some meetings to see if we are able to volunteer on Rd E and Rd D respectively .
We have a full house and two,3 year old special needs twins to care for 24/7 but we will do all we can.
Birchl - Are you aware that 4 senior citizens in Hilo with pace makers died since Jan 1st 2015 due to inconsiderate cell users?This comes direct from our personal physician .Also many many people are highly sensitive to cell phones as it gives them debilitating migraines and then they vomit uncontrollably.
We still say our community center should be the 1st on Hawaii the Island to set a good example in designating the center and land it is on,as alcohol,and smoke free and this includes all illegal drugs including MJ.
Shockwave Rider - In our perspective your knowledge is viable and very much appreciated.This subject is about community and not just H.A.
Puna is a HUGE community an you are welcome to join in even though i am NOT the original poster of this thread.....Thank you.
shock guy true dat on the pacemaker they are sensitive and i believe even microwave ovens are a problem
Justfacts - In the original charter and bylaws of HACA,there is a line stating that EVERY member be a lot owner residing on their lot year round.Not live some where else and attend meetings if they may simply own a lot in HA.
This was to insure that the needs of HA were met and not some outside interests that did not have HA in it's best interest.
We seem to recall recently hearing that a certain board member of HACA who resides in HPP was on the HACA board but has a lot in HA that is full of junk cars and over grown garbage and in addition for some strange reason we can not comprehend , this individual is exempt from paying any dues to each HACA and HARC for the rest of his life .But this is just hear say and may not be truth.But would very much like to know.
We would also like to know why some people in the community are exempt from ever paying any dues while every one else only has an option.
We would also like to know why some people in the community are exempt from ever paying any dues while every one else only has an option.

Dues not being mandatory, everyone has the option to be exempt.
Mimosa just about everything just-the-BS said is an out right lie.
1) "money is pouring into HARC" = their membership has increased slightly over this time last year (i.e. one month into the year)
2) "they don't even need to consider mandatory dues" = IF that increase continues and more people pay voluntary dues than of course there would be no need to make them mandatory
3) "legal fees for the lawsuit they are embroiled in" = the lawsuits SHE brought against them based on a whole load more outright lies.
4) "an unscheduled /unannounced private impromptu meeting" = the meeting was posted. it was 'unscheduled' because of the need to appoint a new vice-pres. all board members were given personal notice and the public were informed in the usual manner i.e. notices on the boards.
5) "she quickly appointed a new vice president and added a couple board members" = after a great deal of discussion the ENTIRE board voted on a new vice president. after more discussion the ENTIRE board voted to fill ONE other area rep position.
6) "following in lock step to the very issues and violations they accused the old board of . by law violations" = there were NO violations of any sort and the NEW BOARD went to great lengths to ensure that there weren't.

please do not listen to any more 'updates' from this person.

PS. the bit about Ken cutting being exempt from paying dues for the rest of his life is also complete B.S. he is part of the volunteer fire team and as such he gets free membership, awarded on a yearly bases to the participating firemen. thats not to say that there is no controversy about the system, but i for one think that the time and effort involved, including quite rigorous training, being 'on call', and possibly being prepared to put their life on the line, deserves free membership.

You see Susan, there has been no name calling. No woman hating either Mimosa. I love women. I also see you, Mimosa like to quickly jump in and defend justthefact/2bad4you (Susan) when you are not even aware of her baneful nature. (or maybe you are aware of it and are remaining quiet about it) It isn't an insult to point out that someone with the pseudonym justthefacts is telling a lie. Open your eyes Susan I am not the only one who will not lay down quietly and put up with your BS postings. It's a forum about and for our community so if you or anyone posts BS I'm going to call them on it.

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