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Mayor Kenoi wants off on a technicality
Theatre of the Absurd

I can only aspire to reach the heights attained by our county officials.

- Be pleasant to inefficient workers; give them undeserved promotions. - Work slowly. - Refer all matters to committees for "further study and consideration. - Hold conferences. - Make travel as inconvenient as possible. - Haggle over precise wordings of communications. - Advocate “caution.” Be “reasonable” and avoid haste. (Excerpts from the WWII OSS Simple Sabotage Manual)
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Yup pure BS. Case and point.
@HiloPuna: Thanks for the reference, and I had read it. We obviously have differing interpretations. Page 6 of the Roth letter does indeed list prohibited purchases and goes on to say that "Exceptions may be granted by the Purchasing Card Administrator on a limited basis upon a showing of sufficient justification." You left out the rather important last half of the sentence in your last post.

I wish we had the Grand Jury minutes, but lacking them, it isn't too much of a stretch to think that the Attorney General's office was able to make the case that Kenoi's purchases were neither appropriately limited nor of sufficient justification to meet the allowable exceptions. While it would seem that Nancy Crawford was given some latitude, the way events played out, the mayor got indicted. And please don't use your tired "they can indict a ham sandwich" metaphor. Findings of "no true bill" happen all the time.

And being a realist, I still think Kenoi could easily walk.
" You left out the rather important last half of the sentence in your last post.

Perhaps it was... an allowable exception.

- Be pleasant to inefficient workers; give them undeserved promotions. - Work slowly. - Refer all matters to committees for "further study and consideration. - Hold conferences. - Make travel as inconvenient as possible. - Haggle over precise wordings of communications. - Advocate “caution.” Be “reasonable” and avoid haste. (Excerpts from the WWII OSS Simple Sabotage Manual)
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
It wasn't left out, it became irrelevant by Crawfords statement that a policy exempting the Mayor had been instituted. How difficult is that to reconcile?

As far as "...tired..." goes, really? I used it 2 or 3 times in almost 2 years, and I certainly didn't coin it. Now tired is the obtuseness that some posters represent with their railing and chirping about policies they don't agree with, but are nonetheless in place and allowable. And you've practiced this more than 2 or 3x...


they actually dwell in the real world, perhaps another aspirational reach?
they actually dwell in the real world, perhaps another aspirational reach?

Thanks for asking. I've been working since I was 14 years old (paper route) and paying taxes since I was 18. I send in my quarterly estimated payments to state, federal, and excise. Real estate tax twice a year. Gas tax every time I fill up. More excise when I buy food or anything else.

Occasionally I'm a few days late sending in a quarterly payment. The last time it happened was about four or five years ago. On a $780 payment that I mailed in two days late, I received a fine of $260 for interest and penalties. The previous state tax year I was due a refund of $1500, it took the state four months to mail my money to me. No interest included.

Is that real enough for you? So forgive me if I have a hard time, with my short attention span, understanding why the system doesn't work the same for everyone. And it's not even close.

- Be pleasant to inefficient workers; give them undeserved promotions. - Work slowly. - Refer all matters to committees for "further study and consideration. - Hold conferences. - Make travel as inconvenient as possible. - Haggle over precise wordings of communications. - Advocate “caution.” Be “reasonable” and avoid haste. (Excerpts from the WWII OSS Simple Sabotage Manual)
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
So if Nancy Crawford said it was OK for Kenoi to make personal charges, it was legal? The Attorney General apparently disagreed, and I'll take their opinion over HiloPuna's.
Who said no receipts were needed?
Uhh, Chunkster, it's not "my opinion", it's the facts. My prediction is that the indictments(ham sandwiches and all) are at least as much smoke as the TH articles. Think how right I was there, go ahead, go back to the beginning of these threads and see if I haven't been consistently right. I think you need to really bone up on your critical reading skills!

I have not found any reference to a criminal penalty for misusing a pCard. What I did find is that according to the law if you do misuse your pCard you are to pay the money back and be terminated or face impeachment which takes the county council to initiate.

The question for me is this... Does our mayor have a fiduciary responsibility to the people, in light of his being elected to the office, have to keep his word when he agreed to the conditions imposed upon him, when he signed for his pCard? Or does the Finance Director who is the pCard Administrator able to exempt Mayor Billy by virtue of his executive position?

I bet there are many who are crossing their fingers hoping and praying that they won't be called and have to explain how our Mayor got over all these years and how they aided and abetted him. hum.

Here are some links that may help in discussing the topic.

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