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Honk if you don't like the Shores speed bumps
I gotta get me one of those!!!!!
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction." - Albert Einstein
60 posts is a 'chronic' blogger? That makes me smile. I guess those who are in the thousands of posts are 'hopeless' bloggers; but I digress. This is not a blog.

@Pog...need to provide a beverage alert when you send us to places like that! Just about fried my laptop spewing my diet coke! Thanks for the late evening snicker and snort!

I am not bound to please thee with my answer. -- William Shakespeare
"Q might have done the right thing for the wrong reason, perhaps we need a good kick in our complacency to get us ready for what's ahead" -- Captain Picard, to Guinan (Q Who?)
re: posted by pog

Thanks POG, that was hilarious and a much needed diversion.
Haha POG ... OK don't know much of the politics of Shores but really all this over three speed bumps? Paid for by the people who live on the road? I don't get it. I have been on Papio and seen stupid driving. Power poles taken out overnight. The politics of shores seems to be the problem vrs people taking money out of their own pockets to slow down idiots that don't take peoples saftey or their own into account. I don't get the fight about speed humps that way paid for out of themselves. I can only conclude there is a problem of bad drivers if Coastal Puna now has an issue by diverting traffic. Maybe they will have to do the same thing. Out of pocket. Or deal as Papio has delt with all these years. Talk about not dealing with real issues. And saw the honking -- once couple of days ago. By one rig. Back and forth. Energy is for positive no? what a waste. If you have political issues in Shores run and fix it vrs just complain. It is a speed hump it doesn't ruin lives...
Originally posted by Greg

ed, What you say may be true; But you have yet to convince me that putting in a speed bump to slow traffic is a malicious act. It seems to be working. Results cannot always be predicted however, and if the speeders have moved to another more vulnerable street; well maybe they need bumps also.

What seems wrong to me is the attitude that the people on Papio somehow deserve this dangerous and annoying traffic but the people on Puna Coastal don't.

I'm sure the neighborhood will appreciate your candidacy for BOD next term and that your actions will meet everyone's approval.

The people whom live Papio knew of the traffic when they moved in. For crying out loud they knew this was the street used by hundreds everyday to access the backroad. So with that beiing said dont give me your crap about the Coastal ppkwy people being selfish. You and the board can literally go take a hike. Stop being a brown noser!!
Knew of the traffic? It's been said here that there was no problem before the bumps were put in.

If I may summerize; The "non problem" has apparently spread to Puna Coastal and what's more, the perps on Papio diverted the non existant traffic there on purpose! The people on Puna Coastal want the non problem back on Papio where it belongs. I think?

pog-that clip got a huge laugh!

Edit: Brown noser? ha ha, I don't even live there. Besides, I think the good Dr King said something about "judge a man by the content of his heart, and not the color of his nose"
there was no safety issue, it was an aesthetic issue for the Papio residents. Just like their sea view and beach walk, a personal preference. Where do you think the highway goes Greg? How long do you think the highway has been running where it is? The facts are clear: Papio is the old Hawaii highway, has been for hundreds of years, this has always meant increased, sometimes faster traffic. Because there was more traffic, Papio was the not best street to walk your dog on or install a park, for safety reasons. That does not mean that cars traveling down the highway are being unsafe or that it was a safety issue, you just have to be aware of highway traffic. Papio residents decided to make it more difficult for thru highway traffic and have forced it onto neighborhood streets, why does that make any sense? Again I am sure you folks will fail to address a single logical question because logic makes your head explode.
The opportunity to voice your concerns to the Board happens tonight! The November regular Board meeting is scheduled for 6pm at the Honu street Park. Bring your neighbors and let your voices be heard! Otherwise, you have no right to complain. Speed hump policy is on the agenda. See ya there!

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction." - Albert Einstein
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction." - Albert Einstein
there was this guy who built a large tall home on the hill about our town. it blocked the view of other homes. he didn't care. the a few years later a guy built a larger taller home and blocked the view from the other large home. maybe build larger speed bumps than on Papio ones! I once read to live a longer life one must accept change with a positive attitude! peace

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