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Woman's body found off Kalapana
I started this thread at the second hand request of a direct family member involved. I went to lock or close it (like you can on some forums) and found out that I can't. But I wish that we can all move on now.
If Boaz Johnson's plan was to kill Brittany and commit suicide, why would he bother dragging the girl into the ocean? If you're going to commit suicide, you aren't going to go through the unnecessary trouble of making her body disappear? Sounds more like the actions of someone planning to cover up a crime, not commit suicide.
NO one said his time of death for all you know it could have been there just a few weeks. Its the tropics decomposition happens very fast. not 7 month old it would have fallen down.
Officer Kenda The Homicide Detective said many times that strangulation is a crime of passion. It requires the person being very close to the person they are killing. It usually is someone who they know who hates them so badly that they want to watch them die. Its overkill and it takes time. It is a slow death. who knows maybe he never intended for her to die just to take him seriously and he held on a bit too long so she knocked out and he dragged her to the I said OVERKILL..maybe not intentional though :/

As others have questioned, why was this body not found before? Was the cadaver dog in Hilo busy doing something else that particular day?
Maybe it was not there at the time..I think he killed himself recently when he realize there was no ay to escape. He was a dead man walking.

Also, the so called dispute conveniently happens one day before he is buying 10 acres of land? The notebook says he was depressed (that was an amazing guess, Bananahead) yet Boaz Johnson was witnessed just days before, by both family members and locals, as being very happy, and looking forward to finalizing the deal on the land. Yet he chooses to do this ONE DAY before meeting with the realtor?
so Psychologist depressed people have no bouts of happiness? Do you know what depression even looks like? do you know most hide it from the world. Maybe they were fighting about the purchase. The only ones who know the truth are both dead. We are all just speculating.

I think it's also a bit off that Boaz was indicted of murder in December, yet this wasn't announced to the public. They supposedly sealed the indictment so that it wouldn't hinder the search for Boaz Johnson, but that makes absolutely no strategic sense at all. If Boaz Johnson had been on the run since May 28th, I'm pretty sure he was well aware of the fact that he was the only suspect being targeted by the police.

maybe thats when he offed himself.

Police told both families try had evidence that Boaz Johnson escaped the island. How exactly did he try to leave the island, being that he was hanging lifeless in an ironwood tree?

Well they did no tknow that would they that he was in the tree and maybe he wasn't yet. He could have left by boat lol. you dont need ID for that. he had 10k to live on you know.

Police found the backpack and cell phone on a "trail" leading to the kipuka. Did they find these items and then decide the trail wasn't worth following into the kipuka? Once again, where was the gridded ground search for another missing or dead person?

They short on manpower we all know it or fo you just not live here. We dont have massive searched thousands of people wide so what grid??

I also had no idea our forensics work was being done by a private for-profit company in California.

Again do you know we have no FORENSICS team on this island. We have no CSI investigators here. They have to be flown in from Oahu. Why do you think at crime scenes the bodys there for 6-8 hours? or more?

The person that found Boaz was someone looking to buy local property? First time we have heard that little tidbit. Before, police claimed he was just a "hiker".
Maybe they just found that out themselves after the first press release. I did not know real estate buyers cant hike..thats redundant.

As far as anybody feeling shame for accusing a particular local of having threatened people with verbal/physical assault, guns, or other forms of bullying, why would anyone feel shame for admitting the truth about someones actions. If that person was against Boaz performing lava tours or purchasing land, there's no shame in providing further witness accounts. People from all over, tourists, locals, even members of this forum have witnessed this. If you want to toss shame, shame the behavior and threats of someone that tarnishes the reputation of his family. It's also funny how certain people have never came forth to defend their innocence. If I was innocent, I would certainly defend the reputation of my family, my business, and myself. Just my opinion, personally.

Its a shame to think that a noob was even a threat to the only state license tour company. He did not even start yet so why even involve this. I know there were bad reviews but just because of the circumstantial evidence it does not mean the guy did anything. Maybe if there was a TRO and charges pressed then the police would wonder..but its just hearsay..and of course his family will swear to the high heavens he was a good kid..dont everyone say that about these monsters?

My guess is that this will be just like the Vargas/Gambsky/Ireland/Etc cases. It will take a lot of community efforts and outside investigators to find out who put Boaz Johnson in a tree.
he hung himself get over it..he ran out of money no one would help him anymore its that simple..he had no choice.
Since a majority of people commenting don't believe the police story, and this is a forum for PUNA, the thread should remain open as long as community members have an interest in discussing the topic!

I believe the police..the only ones who dont believe is the ones who wanted to believe bo was a victim as well instead of a damn prick. they rather fling crap at the police than to admit they were wrong all along..they rather misplace blame on Mr.Marzo.
A composition book found in the jungle after over 6 months that contained writing that was legible...i dont think so. in fact knowing how quickly things decompose in this environment it probably wouldnt even be recognizable as a notebook. i dont believe it. it all seems too manufactured including the line in the press release saying police investigated all possible leads to put that line in there was gratuitous
Granted, this is hard to take and seems so out of character (as though I would know, not having known Bo myself). Yes, there is always the possibility that this is a cover-up. Nevertheless, at this stage of the game, a cover-up is really, really far-fetched. And if it was not a murder/suicide, which was it? Are the police at the root of this? Did they keep Bo's body around then plant it? Are they that friendly to the actual perps that they would help them? Why would the police, if merely stumped, take the humongous step of embroiling themselves in a cover-up? Was Bo forced to write his confession under duress? The conspirators include an outside forensic writing analyst? How convenient. It goes on and on.

Always tell the truth. There's less to remember.
"he had 10K to live on you know."

Did he really have 10K dollars cash to live on? Did he really spend 10K dollars living off the land since May 28, 2013 and decided to commit suicide when the money ran out? It would have to be cash if there isn't a paper trail.
W00t, where did you read that he had 10,000 dollars? I heard something similar. Was it a police report?
As far as timelines go, here's a plausible scenario, even taking into account the remote possibility that he was framed: First, let us assume that it was him as it almost certainly was. I would bet money that he never planned to kill either her or himself. Once it happened, he panicked and tried to cover it up. Now with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight it's obvioous it would have been better to gash himself on the head with a rock and let himself be another victim "found" at the campsite instead of running, nevertheless if it was him it would be incredibly hard to face anybody that they knew, that is unless he was a true psychopath, which he wasn't or that would have come up at some point. As time went on and his family tearfully defended his honor, and as he continued to hide in the woods allowing them to writhe in agony, believing him dead, irreparable changes would take place in his mind. Decimated is a term often used to describe something totally destroyed. Most people wrongly think that it means total physical destruction. Some dictionaries even say it means the destruction of a large proportion of something. Quite the opposite. The Romans used to punish and subdue mutinous or captured enemy troops by killing one in ten. Only one in ten? That's not so bad if we are talking getting struck by lightning, but if you stood in a line and calmly waited while someone who had power over you counted off numbers while you desperately hoped it wouldn't be you, then were relieved when it wasn't you, if you stood meekly by and let it happen that your comrades died so that you could live, it proved to you that you were indeed no longer of any account. For soldiers that would have been worse than death. Also for family members. I can see this change taking place in Bo such that he returned to the place where the most momentous event of his life had taken place, where everything changed from good to bad in a flash and took his own life. I doubt that he was ever thinking more than a day in advance and often much, much less than that. No need to dismiss possible explanation because they "don't make sense" from the perspective of a crime novel.

None of us who don't have direct access to the forensic evidence can know for sure. I can't explain the initial act but if it happened then the scenario above seems totally plausible to me.
Originally posted by MarkP

Decimated is a term often used to describe something totally destroyed. Most people wrongly think that it means total physical destruction. Some dictionaries even say it means the destruction of a large proportion of something. Quite the opposite. The Romans used to punish and subdue mutinous or captured enemy troops by killing one in ten. Only one in ten? That's not so bad if we are talking getting struck by lightning, but if you stood in a line and calmly waited while someone who had power over you counted off numbers while you desperately hoped it wouldn't be you, then were relieved when it wasn't you, if you stood meekly by and let it happen that your comrades died so that you could live, it proved to you that you were indeed no longer of any account. For soldiers that would have been worse than death.


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