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Facts About the Hawaii State Teachers’ Association
I have written before about my concerns about public education in Hawaii and on the Big Island because of my wife’s interest in teaching in Hawaii. Each time I have written about it I have had a difficult time expressing everything that I have "felt" about the complicated issue. But this morning I came across an article in Hawaii Reporter that pretty much summarizes the whole deal as far as I am concerned and the article also includes a couple of links at the bottom about the 2009 DOE Procurement Audit and other Waste and Alleged Corruption".

If you have any interest in Public Education in Hawaii this article will open your eyes to what is happening.

Top 10 Outrageous Facts About the Hawaii State Teachers’ Association:

I await the ruffled feathered responses with bated breath.

Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident

"RAGE: I believe in the right to life for those in the United States who are unwanted and impoverished."

This is suppose to be shocking?

RESURGENCE: Our country’s democracy depends upon us to not give in to the money interests that threaten to privatize everything in the name of greed, ownership. They will sell our children’s futures, our elders’ safety net, our health care, and even our souls to the highest bidder.

I now have greater respect for the teacher's union.

What "money interests" are they referring to?

Other people want to make friends- I just want to make money.
James Cramer

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