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Upper Puna Community Center
I am involved in a project called The Upper Puna Community Center, there is a grant in the works for this project. I know The Neighborhood Place of Puna will be going for it next Feb/March. I hope they get it because it is a fantastic group. So, if this does materialize, what kinds of services and activities would you like to see happen. Also, if you would be willing to offer your support by volunteering, donating materials, and/or provide a service, i.e. teach kids to make nose flutes. I am looking forward to all your comments and outside the box ideas. I will check back here periodically, but if you want to talk to me directly you can call me at 968-1111, ask for Thunderfoot.
And have a wonderful day

Good luck on this community project Thunderfoot!

mella l

Paris London New York PUNA
mella l
Art and Science
Thanks for your support, mella.[Big Grin]

My, this site is wayyyyyyyyy less active than it was before. It has been a while since I have been on here.

At the risk of getting off topic momentarily,don't hit me,LOL.
I wonder if that new policy that limits to 5 posts per day, per person has anything to do with it. People were more enthusiastic before, so I am just amazed at the lack of response to this post.

[ lights a fire and breaks out BBque makings ]
Maybe this will help draw a crowd.
Come on guys, [whistles in the cheer leaders ]
This project can't happen without community participation. I would hate to report back at the next meeting in July and say I couldn't rally up any responses =(
So................................please help us make a positive difference in this community that we all love so much.
Thanks [Smile]
The posting policy is five posts per day average. If you click on your name here Thunderfoot you will see that your current average is 0.19 posts per day. You will have to post a whole lot more to approach five per day average.

I've been posting regularly since 2003 and my average is currently 1.44
posts per day.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Thunderfoot, I think that limit was set because some people were posting 10 or 15 things each day and it seems like it wasn't a Puna web anymore but someones private blogispheer if that is a word. There are many new members and loads of old ones, but you know as people get use to forums and spread themselves thinner then they tune in less, but as you demonstrate, they do tune in! Welcome back. How about the helicopters did that work out or is it still the same?

mella l

Paris London New York PUNA
mella l
Art and Science

You might try posting more information about this project. Like...where is it? What is the goal? What need do you see it filling?

When I read the post, my thoughts were "Uh...could be interesting...really hard to tell. Wonder what they are considering 'Upper Puna'?". Then I moved on to then next thread.

Just some thoughts that might inspire more interest in a project that you seem to care a lot about.

Thanks Rob for clearing that up.

Thanks mella1, and yeppers, am back. Just couldn't resist,LOL. You guys are magnetic.

Robin C- The project is not yet defined. That is the beauty. We get to start from scratch. It is DHS that is putting the grant out there, and Upper Puna is the area that DHS has specified in the grant as the location. The budget could run from 2-4 years, but funding after that may be harder. So, we need a good plan.
So, location : undetermined, but Upper Puna somewhere.
Goal : to promote stable,safe and healthy homes, family preservation and reunification and to reduce stress and violence,and build self esteem.
Needs to be filled will be determined as they arise. So far the community needs better public transportation, and way to do their laundry, they need to build homes and grow their own food, and have activities that promote all the things that were listed. I hope this answers your questions.
DHS homeland security?
do you have the grant announcement so we can get a little better idea what your trying to do

The CERT team in fern forest is doing some of what your talking about
DHS as in the State of Hawaii Department of Human Services, and the grant info. will not be available to look at until Feb/March/ You can access it from DHS website, and it should be put in the Tribune as well around that time.

As far as Fern Forest, the rumors of what is going on at their community lot there is not good. In fact I just attended a Child Welfare Services meeting, and unofficially, it was mentioned that people are selling drugs from the community lot building by those living in the building. In fact I drove past their one night and there were people there,looked like a party. In fact the loud music and parties that occur at the community lot can be heard late into the night for several miles around the area. I do know that there are some residents trying to get them out. Fern Forest has been a mess for a while, long story..........
So, whatever they are doing,they have their hands full, and good luck to them.

However Fern Acres is becoming very active and trying to grow.In fact I attended a meeting at their community lot this month, and they seem to be very motivated to help the community. They are the ones that are involved with this project. The major discussion for the Upper Puna Comm. Center was held at their community lot,so they are definitely involved.
Okay hoped this info. helped.

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