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site work recomendations
I will be on island feb.7 to 17. I hope to firm up my site plan (house,drive,septic,street entry locations) so I can carry on with my design. Looking for someone qualified to give a educated opinion. The lot is being weed-wacked now and is very walkable. If you have any one to recomend I sure would appreciate your advice.


Give me liberty and give me BAIT
Give me liberty and give me BAIT
Robert Emery
Office - (808) 965-9261
Cell - (808) 443-4861

"someone qualified to give a educated opinion"

Has a QUALIFIED opinion on ALL aspects of site plan locations ((house,drive,septic,street entry) - NOW educated is another "talkstory".

P.S. NO B.S. knows his S.!
Now that I re-read my post "educated opinion" just don't sound right. Thanks for takeing the time to reply. Is Robert an architect, contractor, equipment opperator, engineer, or all of the above?

Give me liberty and give me BAIT
Give me liberty and give me BAIT
Yep, Seaside Bob is all of the above and more. Good choice, Have him bring Cat along.

Mr. Bill
Robert is like many of us a "life learner". He has done and been many things - basically from the ground up - foundations, complete home projects (project manager - with Cat) - and if you want a B-52 built he could probably do that. His knowledge of what works and what doesn't on any particular site is valuable. He has no "nom de plume" like contractor, etc.
Menehune & Dan
Thanks for recomending Bob Emery. He met me at the lot and gave it a good lookover. I also got to see his current project on 10th St. His input and addvice are soo appreciated. I experianced much ahloa.
I have been spending some quality time on the property and now feel like I know where things are going to be. I'm ready for a pro take my plan concepts on to the next level.

Give me liberty and give me BAIT
Give me liberty and give me BAIT
mr. bill,

Give Kapohocat a call

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