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A recent article from Honolulu Advertiser about gambling in HI:

Interesting slant that $$ goes to DHHL.

Thanks Bob. That is such crap!!! There has got to be a way to force their hand on something like this. Isn't there a way to be sure that the funds go directly to schools and specifically NOT for the above-mentioned purposes?


"The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it." Galadriel - LOTR
Carrie Rojo

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
Bob is right about promises not being kept in reference to gaming money in state budgets. Time and time again, the focus has been shifted, or, if the money does stay dedicated to education, other funding for education is cut or diverted. To my knowledge, my former state of Georgia is one of the few that has actually kept the promise, and popular uprisings on at least two occasions were required to prevent the legislative and executive branches from raiding the lottery fund for pet projects.

Erlinda's post about DHHL being in line for money from at least one gaming bill is telling. We all know what a paragon of efficiency and good governance that organization is. People die on their waiting lists, and insider contracts at double or triple the actual project cost seem to be all too common.

Remember Pandora's Box!
Lottery and casino money to education? Yeah right! Not here in Missouri as was promised. School district here is broke (short about 40 million). Why?

I hope people in Hawaii won't be fooled like we were here in Missouri.
Learn from those who have been there before you.
There should be a special account set up for the schools to draw from IN ADDITION to the money already provided to the schools via property taxes.
Like was said above, gambling tax does go to the schools but is offset by a reduction of other tax money that was going to them before.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
No need to be concerned about how it really impacts education funding since the legislation states it goes to DHHL. Education doesn’t get it.
Carey same thing happened in Florida the Lottery money was used to replace school funding not increase it. The actual impact ended up being zero.
I like it here in the shallow end of the gene pool
Why waste good ocean view property on a casino? People go to gamble, not to look at the views. In fact, casinos don't even have windows! I'm all for a casino. Best place to put it? Saddle Road. New roads and easy access from both sides of the island.
Military would never allow it up there.
Is casino Gambeling a rumor or is there lergislation in the works?

What is the likelihood of casino gambling coming to the BI and how about the likelihood of it being on all major Islands?


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