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S.P.A.C.E. Community Meeting - March 6th
2 blocks is not next door.I live 2 blocks from the ocean,but I can not hear it or see the crowd on Kehena beach.

And in my opinion that even it is just one person whose life became a nightmare because of noise and violation of privacy it shouldn't be counted out.

But according to Bob Orts,it was complaints from several residents.

There are 2 separate issues here -

a good contribution of SPACE to the community

the opinion that "good for the community" should overwrite a private person's right for a piece and privacy in his own home.

Operating during business hours?

Who said that every one is supposed to work 9-5 pm?

(With this job market you are lucky to have a night shift restocking merchandise if available).

How about a sick person who needs rest ?
Can they expect peace in their own house?
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
Imagine Seaview or any of the other rural subdivisions in Puna at "buildout". That's a house on each lot with maybe three, four, or more people in it.(with absolutely no services)

Where will all these kids go to school? What will the entrance be like at 7:00 am with hundreds of commuters leaving at the same time for Hilo? What will the noise levels be with hundreds of stereos and televisions competing for volume? Lawn mowers, weedeaters, chainsaws, Teenagers with nowhere to go? How many vehicles will be driving in and out all day for groceries found elsewhere?

This could very well be the future of Seaview as dictated by our government. Does SPACE really sound so bad compared to the county's planned trajectory?

I would again like to personally thank Graham and people like him for having a different vision. Sustainability, nurturing keiki, community, shared space, arts and education, community forum, on and on.

Big egos? No arguments there; that and organizational skills are what it often takes to implement positive and revolutionary change.
(as posted in other various threads dealing with the same topic)-sorry

Well, put, Greg. That's reality. A whole pile of houses, some half built, some in foreclosure, some as rentals. All this,legal, of course. A lot of unemployed people hanging out and waiting for you to leave to go to the store. That's the increasing situation in many of these subdivisions.

Greg,the question here is not about how good a certain community activity is.

The question is whether or not a right for a piece and privacy of a private person should be overwritten by a group of people who decide what is good for the community.

It would be easy for me to vote for SPACE - why not?

I live far enough to hear the noise or all other "perks" when we talk about crowds.

But as I said,I wouldn't trade my location.

So far - NO VOLUNTEERS,even from the same subdivision.
And there are empty lots around which are owned by someone.
I even know one PW member who owns but not live here.

Of course,not everyone reads PW.But may be this will be brought up in the meeting.
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
I own a lot in Seaview subdivision not far from the space - but since I live elsewhere I can't attest to the noise/traffic issues. I have noticed quite a few "for sale" signs right around there recently.

Here's my question. Is this just a non profit venture? Are the events all free or is somebody making money here?
Originally posted by L. C. Edwards
Here's my question. Is this just a non profit venture? Are the events all free or is somebody making money here?

Some events are free. Some are moderately priced.
Most are not sponsored or produced by SPACE but by outside
groups hiring the space for there own fund raising or other purposes.
I can assure you that no one at SPACE is making any money.
There is a 1/2 time salary there for one person doing a triple
time job and the day to day finances are critically marginal.
The rest of SPACE'S support team are volunteers like myself.
Originally posted by peregrine
Mr.Hoffeld, you presume to know who I am...

For readers curious about the reasons for the vendetta, character assassination and personal agenda of Peregrine AKA Jessica Alexander (bellaperegrine@yahoo) please be aware:

Jessica Alexander chose to rent a house adjacent to SPACE about a year after living on the opposite side of the subdivision and after repeatedly requesting to live at Bellyacres.

Jessica Alexander was a vendor at SPACE farmers market until her continuous disrespectful behavior towards other vendors led to the SPACE board writing a letter stating her she was not welcome at SPACE (except when she needed to attend her child's school).

Jessica Alexander ignored this request more than once and after a further incident with a vendor at the Night Bazaar was served a no trespassing order by our community police officer.

Jessica Alexander has recently been the subject of a complaint made to Child Protective Services and she believes that Graham Ellis or someone at Bellyacres called them.
This is verifiably and irrefutably incorrect.

Police action in our neighborhood since SPACE opened has been limited to the arrest of Jessica Alexanders husband charged with domestic abuse after a complaint by her and the arrest of Scott Wills the other nearby complainant charged with physical abuse of a family member.

No residents of Bellyacres own guns or have ever threatened anyone
as Jessica claims.

Ericm ,peregrin (and others)!

Can we leave all this personal stuff aside and discuss the actual problem here?

Is noise and other crowd issues are real?

Would be nice to hear from real people right next door to SPACE.

And -PLEASE! - no guns,immigration , GE's horse pooping on the road stuff!

Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
There are 900 lots in Seaview. With the conservative average of three people per household the community has the potential of being populated by 2700 people in the area of a square mile or so.

Don't you think the people of the subdivision should have the right to determine their own future?

The person who is complaining that his right to privacy is being jepardized probably now has no immediate neighbors. He has the potential of having five homes within 20 feet of his property. What kind of privacy can he expect then?

Turn your question around;

Is the right to peace, prosperity and happiness of a whole community to be overwritten by a couple of individuals who cling to the delusion that they will never have close neighbors?

Do community visionaries have no right to better prepare for the future? To provide places for keiki to learn, play and grow?

These people have the oportunity to be a part of the process, but choose instead to stick their heads in the cinder.

Seaview is only going to be more crowded, more noisy, more polluted, more plagued by crime and drugs. Better hope that people like Graham and SPACE can prevail over those who would hide behind fences hoping the problems will go away. Peace will only come to those that work for it. The county is not charging to the rescue.

Originally posted by Greg

Don't you think the people of the subdivision should have the right to determine their own future?

Greg,I live in the subdivision too,ya know[Smile]
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.

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