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The meeting is taking place right now. It is indeed a pep rally of supporters complete with propaganda filled speeches and people I have never seen before cheering loudly. The opposition was not made to feel welcome. The police were called. The many, many advocates of true community involvement lost out to bullying by the organization. Unfortunately, I am not surprised.
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Maybe the opposition could find a facility to stage their own rally?
SPACE would probably make it's building available, if for no other reason than the sublime irony.
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Well it was interesting meeting. I wish there was more land owners there
and had more of them spoke up. Maybe it was a fear factor.
Although there was some.
At this point I would favor an exemption of a Village Center.
It was apparent that there is plenty support and passion for S.P.A.C.E
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How obvious was the opposition? Had all voices been heard, it would have been considerably more so. Do not believe the lies and propaganda. The organization managed to succeed in silencing the opposition with false reasoning and even by ignoring the overwhelming majority of supporters who believe all sides should be given equal chance to speak. Thankfully, there will be time in other venues and formats.
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Perhaps you could explain the goals of the opposition then since you are among that group.
If it was up to you what would the solution be? What would be your best case and worst case scenario?
Assume the best and ask questions.
Punaweb moderator
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Thank you Rob, nice of you to ask. I can only speak for myself on this, as every individual who has any opposition to SPACE has their own particular take on it, and therefore, different goals. What follows here is a general outline of how things should be accomplished and function, more than any specific program.
Best case scenario would be a true Community Center, run by community volunteers in a place which is either donated or purchased for the purpose but has no one person or exclusive group who can call the shots. It would have to be designated for public use, the laws which normally protect the public being sufficient, so an organization could not hide behind false accusations and other manipulations to exclude anyone. The board would have to include anyone who was interested, at least in the beginning until an equally fair but more efficient system for electing a board was adopted. The activities of such a center would be determined by successive rounds of impact and need. For instance, a general plan, based on input from people likely to use the facility would be assessed, first by the impact on, and desirability to, the immediate neighbors. Next considered would be neighbors who do not border but whom would be affect by noise, traffic, etc. Then neighbors in the subdivision, followed by other residents of the closely surrounding area, and finally people from the outer parts of the area originally assessed would have input. Whatever the vision and outcome, the planning process would absolutely have to consider all opinions according to the outlined protocol. Once completed, good, solid policies and a determined system for managing usage, participation, complaints, suggestions and other such issues would be necessary to assure that the community was continually served at the highest level. Accountability would be transparent, and true intent would be visible in every action. Obfuscation, hyperbole and rhetoric need to be traded in for honesty, receptivity and attention. Integrity is essential. Compassionate communication is key. Every problem I ever encountered with the SPACE/Belly Acres/Village Green organization came from a lack of fairness, inclusiveness, communication and integrity on their part. We all have flaws and sometimes act out of character, but my transgressions are a fraction of what I have been accused of, and minuscule compared to what I have endured, from them directly and as permitted by them. I am not the first to have such an experience, and I will certainly not be the last if the power structure remains what it is today. And that would be the worst case scenario.
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Okay. So then that sounds to me that you generally like what SPACE is and does, what you want is a change in ownership and management. Is that putting it too simply?
Assume the best and ask questions.
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I like the Idea of having a place in the community for education, entertainment, shopping and socializing. I do not know if SPACE is an appropriate locale in terms of impact, I do think that bears study, debate and reflection. And yes, ownership/management must be a community endeavor and responsibility. The word "private" has no place in it.
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That does sound great! I'd say; "Do it".
You have a venue, write grants, organize, and work well with others, right?
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There is a venue. Either it is appropriate for such usage or it is not. If it is, it should be community run.
Last year, SPACE received $4000.00 in grants. Considering that they feel they do not need my money, or the money of several other potential supporters, I think grants are a moot point.
Lack of organization has been a criticism expressed even by supporters. If someone cannot do a job, they should be willing to turn it over to someone who can.
The overwhelming number of people who support full community input versus the few bullies who prevent it would tend to indicate that it is not I whom does not work well with others.