Originally posted by Bob Orts
The issue of the meeting not addressing the concerns of the neighbors speaks volumes about cooperation. If a landowner in violation of the SUP really were community minded, they would have gone out of their way to give people who have issues, a chance to voice those issues.
I was misunderstood. The meeting was held for exactly that purpose. The purpose wasn't to solve problems, or
address issues, in the sense that addressing means to solve them, or raise defensive points.
As for the person who built after SPACE, that person has EVERY RIGHT to complain if the activities they are complaining about is the result of SPACE violation of their SUP. This is the issue everyone is avoiding addressing. The activities occurring in violation of an SUP is not allowed. A property buyer who does their due diligence can only rely upon the SUP to guide them as to what activities will occur. If something is happening outside the SUP it doesn’t matter if the person bought before, during, after, or that same weekend. It’s a violation of the SUP and SPACE is wrong.
Let me be clear. We're both starting to repeat ourselves, a sign that either 1) we're not being clear or 2) we're not listening.
The worst noise that SPACE generated, the event that sparked Scott to complain to the County,
was permitted by the SUP. End of story. Hiccup Circus has historically had drums in their shows. It was a class, a circus class. African dance. There were less than the number of cars parked, at the facility, than estimated in the application for the SUP. It occurred during daylight hours, well before any 9:00PM or 10:00PM cutoff.
It was within the noise levels. I witnessed this myself. SPACE got a hold of a decibel meter, and measured it, at the property line.
It's an activity within the SUP. Does this make sense? We all have the right to make noise down here. So, please understand that it isn't about the noise.
Now, on to a completely separate topic. The Farmer's Market. The Farmer's Market is completely outside the SUP. But nobody, except one crank vendor who got all upset because another vendor was selling scones too, and the market managers wouldn't give her a monopoly on scones, is complaining about it. You've witnessed that escalation right on this forum.
Is there anywhere else along the red road that we can have a market? No, as a matter of fact, there isn't. So sad. So one sprouts up.
You may not have noticed, but lower Puna is kind of poor. We
need this market. Sellers need the income. Why not get Village Center status? So, the worst case scenario you're painting is that commerce will develop! And people will make money! We need the money. Your worst case is a good thing for lot owners in Seaview.
The only bad thing I see is that lot owners with illusions of retiring on California-style cul-de-sacs will have those illusions destroyed. But this is the neighborhood with the House Of Cards. The illusion of Levittown is destroyed the moment you drive up the main drag.
What's your suggestion to resurrect the Farmer's Market?
About public performances: I have no answer. The conflict there is plain: the owner you were talking about, the one who built after SPACE, the one who got heckled,
was one of the African Drummers! His performance art is okay, everyone else's sucks.