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From SPACE down to Earth - the outcome?
Bob, you are much too casual about the process. You need to affix blame to someone for todays difficulties. Preferably someone not in a position to defend their actions.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Originally posted by tlboyles1

It's very hard for the "little guy" to keep it up over the long term and sooner or later the vulnerabilities will become apparent. For those people in Puna that (1)don't have a lot of money and (2)like the current "vision" for Puna, just be aware that it takes your constant voice, activities and vigilance to push back the constant, powerful voices paid for by the monied crowd. Without that, they WILL win.

It is to this end that Friends of Puna's Future ( was formed. The only reason to join such a community group is to try to accomplish together what is difficult to impossible to accomplish alone.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
So,Rob,Friends of Puna's Future does "(2)like the current "vision" of Puna"?
That was the idea in the post you responded.
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
FoPF is supportive of the community input represented in the PCDP. It involved a lot of people over a long time. The largest effort made to date. There is likely no one who agrees completely with every point and item. If the community changes its wants and needs and those changes are community based, not paternalistic planning by the large landowners, then we would support the revised input.

In this manner there are things I personally work on that are not necessarily of high personal interest to me, but are of high interest to our membership.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Originally posted by tlboyles1
... The "money guy" just needs to have a vision that suits him, hire the loud and powerful voices (lobbyist, lawyers, etc) to constantly press their case..
1.We know that SPACE is non-profit.No money..

But when I hear "commercial kitchen" and "industrial art center"(quoting Terry)..

I am sure it will be volunteers.
But here's a quote from a SPACE volunteer,Ericm:

"Some events are free. Some are moderately priced.
Most are not sponsored or produced by SPACE but by outside
groups hiring the space for their own fund raising or other purposes."
(I asked Ericm to comment on it,but never got an answer).

2.We also know that the Seaview Community Association supports SPACE
100% and they have a lawyer .

3.We also know that SPACE have already government officials on their side "to constantly press their case".

I just hope that a "little guy" who has no objection to the good for the community stuff will have a little hope that the community will have a little respect for his very little right for a little quiet time in his home.

I understand that SPACE have already made some adjustments for the noise control.

The SUP holders promised at the meeting (according to what was posted here) that it's not going to be more noise when they get a Village Center status.

The question is - are they going to keep this promise?

Is it even possible to start with?
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.

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