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HPPOA President and Vice President on Website
The President and Vice President of HPPOA are posting responses to Membership Meeting Owner Input on the HPPOA website. Unfortunately, that website does not have an open forum for owners to state their viewpoints.

To read what Bob and Dale have to say go to the following link:

They seem to be providing answers, but for this HPPOA member, they have only raised more questions. Here are a couple:

Question: If there are only 8 SEE employees, why were there 58 adults at the Christmas party? I count 14 employees including the SEE employees and 9 board members. That's 23, add their spouses, that's 46.
Question: Were all the attendees, SEE employees and their immediate family?

If you have a viewpoint you'd like to express, or like me, have more questions to be answered - go to the board meeting Wednesday, March 17, 2010, 6 p.m.

I understand that last month the board discussed using bond money, which was intended to pave roads, to pay for installing speed humps on paved roads. I'm guessing this will be a topic of discussion in March...perhaps they may even vote on this. Some questions that need to be answered on this topic:

Question: Will the board follow the policy they set and obtain the required agreements from lot owners on the roads they propose to install speed bumps on?

Question: How does the board justify using bond money to pay for speed bumps when there are still unpaved roads in HPP?

Question: How will the board select the contractor to install the speed bumps?

Question: If at the end of the fiscal year, we see a $350,000 savings as stated by Dale, why would that money not be used for speed humps vs. bond money. Thank God for the "bean counters" they discover errors and help business concerns to keep financially on track.

So many questions. Will they be answered?

Go to the board meeting Wednesday, March 17, 2010, 6 p.m.

I strongly endorse JoAnne's suggestion that HPP property owners attend the board meeting next week. The lack of participation has always been sad to me because the the neglect of the County makes the HPPOA a critical community body. The questions posed by JoAnne represent just a few of the issues which concern many in our community.

The piece posted by the HPP Board President on the Association website is not an accurate portrayal of the recent General Membership Meeting. Mr. Rainie makes it appear that all the dissent was stirred up by one individual and a group of supporters. I can tell you all from personal observation and experience that most of the people who gave dissenting views were there out of personal and genuine concern and not part of some anti-aloha clique. Owner Input is an extremely important part of any of our meetings, and Mr. Rainie called for a motion to adjourn while people were still standing in line to speak. Fortunately, he did not get such a motion, nor would it have passed had he gotten it. When I spoke, I described my embarassment at having such an anti-democratic move on the part of the chair instead of speaking on the topic I had originally planned. Mr. Rainie rather disingenuously suggests that I had nothing to complain about since I was giving an opinion as I spoke. He fails to mention that had he gotten the meeting adjourned, neither myself nor anyone else would have been speaking.

I should note that I have publicly praised the Board and HPPOA management for their support of Neighborhood Watch and I was going to praise some of the methods being used by the road crew to save money before I got side-tracked by Mr. Rainie's motion to adjourn. I try to take a balanced approach, but it is hard to support the people in charge when they refuse to respect those who are expressing different opinions.

I could go on for hours about HPP, but I will just say again that people need to get to these meetings, see what is going on, and participate. I don't necessarily care if you agree with me, just participate.
I would just like to receive a ballot in time to vote during elections. I got one ballot (two lots) and only that once.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
The current leadership acts in the most unprofessional way I've seen ANYONE in such a similar positon act. I read their response to the questions in TOTAL disbelief that such people can be in such an important position. The dictatorship attitude of the BOD is at an all-time high!!!! Disgraceful!!!
I also just read that HPPOA posted message. I really can't say how effective of a job the board and management are doing but that was a very poorly written message, guarenteed to cause friction. I don't know enough to pick a side in whatever fight is going on but the tone of the letter makes me want to side against the board. Sad!

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Because the set up of the owners association is specifically undemocratic. I’ve always thought we need a residents association of some kind to look out for the interests of people that live here.

and I think the board is Wrong about the court decree no longer being in effect, they are usually in effect till the judge says other wise. does anyone have a copy of the original?

But I think people should back off the road crew they are just trying to make a living. the Board are the ones making all the decisions
Jerry is right.

I am in a different subdivision, but we have the same problem of non-participation. Often those who do get involved become cliquish and a power struggle ensues.

When hundreds of property owners are members and only a few dozen get involved, you can bet that some are there after the $$$.

Participate or get gouged.
DanielP, The BOD's several years ago implemented a tactic to discourage owner participaton and input. They only allow a few minutes for a person to speak, that person must speak BEFORE the BOD starts the meeting, and the agenda of the meeting is not presented before that particular night, and, even then, the agenda is abbreviated so much that attendees aren't clear on what's going to be brought up later. I haven't attended in years because of the dictatorial tactics and the rendering of the owners' input futile.

The BOD, which sets policies, are voted on each year, No? Just like any other government body, if you don't participate, you lose. Get behind a new-minded set of board members and petition the general membership for support.

Are the procedural guidelines set forth in the bylaws? If bylaws are being broken, then that is a different matter.

Being a board member is a thankless job, That's why so few are willing to get involved. Often the only ones who participate are the complainers.
I have been a multiple property owner in Hpp for the last 10 years. It is only in the last few months that I have seen any noticeable improvement in the roads and the brush areas around the park. In the past it took multiple calls and complaints to have anything done about my road. I am not sure what has prompted all the negativity in the people that are complaining. WHOSE NEEDS ARE YOU TRYING TO MEET?

As a professsional who works with people in serious issues such as death and dying on a daily basis I can only see that a lot of the things that you are worried about are actually non-issues.

Is the current Road Maintenance and management of HPP providing a good service? Are they actively attempting to cut costs to adequately address our needs? Are the people that are complaining about conflicts of interests truly concerned about what is best for the park or are they more interested in listening to themselves create discontent and exercise some kind of power and control where there is really no need for that.

Where there is a service that is provided that is cost effective and is beneficial to the owners are you willing to be the one that is going to be the disruption of the improvement and ongoing efforts to improve HPP. We have enough beuracracy and I suggest unless you have a real issue such as danger or lack of work being done you stop and take a look at yourself and decide what is your real motive for all of your complaints. Ask for a comparative cost analysis to make an informed decision. And please! IF YOU DO NOT ACTUALLY LIVE HERE KEEP YOUR COMMENTS TO YOURSELF.

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