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HPP Residents Association ?
Is anyone interested in forming a hpp residents association to look after the needs and interests of the people that live in HPP.
And maybe becoming a 501c3 to fund community projects
Seeb, I'm not going to argue the fact that the HPPOA has become fractious and even dysfuntional in some areas. It has, but trying to start a parallel organization would be a fruitless effort. Perhaps laudable and motivated by good intentions, but fruitless. Think about it this way. If we can't get more than one tenth of one percent of the stakeholders in HPP to actively participate in the organization that has the power to raise their road assessments 10% per year ad infinitum, how will we get them to participate in one with out de facto taxing powers? HPPOA has the power to foreclose for non-payment of road assessments. HPPOA is managing $12 million in bonded indebtedness. Those facts are not going to go away if we establish another group to look after our needs, as appealing as the concept may sound. Participating in the current arrangement may be distasteful and messy to some folks, but it is the only way to have any effective influence.

Having said all that, I respect you very much because you care enough to think about things and propose an alternative. That is more than 99.9% of the people in HPP are willing to do.
Despite some of the current Board member's actions and behavior, despite the Board President, Bob Rainie's lobbing misinformation bombs, despite Bob Rainie's ad hominem attacts, despite comments and rebuttals from Allan Dale Watson, Vice President, describing a meeting HE DIDN'T ATTEND, despite all that - HPPOA is more than a ragtag group of know nothings. The issues revolve around transparency of operations, fiscal accountability, and, the rules of conduct at meetings, which are posted on the wall in the HPPOA Library. The current discussion is about facts, figures, budget allocations, program expenditures, how monies are spent, and why. There is a slew of disinformation coming from the president and vice president, where instead of presenting solid facts they are creating a stew of ad hominum misinformation.
Why? What's the payoff?
To divert your attention and have you go 'round and 'round in circles.

Jerr Carr is a careful speaker, good thinker, positive contributor to HPPOA. His comments are always worth while to read and consider. If he has a personal agenda, it's to make HPPOA's Neighborhood Watch better and even better than that.

HPPOA has SIX (6) vacancies on our Board. You can download an application, limit 200 words, make sure your road fees are current, that you are an owner of a lot, and add your talents and skills to our subdivision.

I dont live in HPP but have been involved in HOA Boards(IN HAWAII) before and this is not legal:

make sure your road fees are current

What would make it illegal to require the person to be current in their road assesment?

HC & HRS supports the concept of self rule in HOAs and HPP Bylaws clearly states the person must be a member In Good Standing and good standing in the By-laws means current in payment of monies.

This is common in thousands of HOA's throught the USA and is actually part of the Model HOA Bylaws. Didn't Hawaii Courts already address this and said that so long as it's in the by-laws (and is an enforcable clause) and not barred by State Law, it's alright?
SO in your opinion one cannot protest or be under protest of a payment and be operating on the board of an HOA? so in essence in your opinion, you cannot be on the board and in financial dispute with them at the same time?

Originally posted by 808blogger

SO in your opinion one cannot protest or be under protest of a payment and be operating on the board of an HOA? so in essence in your opinion, you cannot be on the board and in financial dispute with them at the same time?
No, you said it was illegal to require a candidate for the Board to be current in their assessments. I said it is not illegal because that requirement is written in the association’s legal documents (By-Laws) as required by State Law.

You made a heck of a leap from association legal documents to disputes and protests. But regardless of any dispute or protest, that still does not make the requirement to be current in assessments to be a board member illegal. You didn't say stupid, or restrictive, or stacked against some people; you said Illegal.
Just my humble opinion, but it would be most obvious someone would have a 'special interest' were they to serve on a board while in default of a membership obligation. Since the service on the board should be for the greater good of the community, while making sound business decisions, any special interest would create schism and work at cross purposes with the idea of the Board of Directors. Of course, Boards all over have 'special or self interest' issues, usually unknown to the majority of those who vote prior to seating the special/self interest. To create an obvious circumstance to allow someone, who for whatever reasons is already unable to maintain a commitment, to serve on the Board would be counter intuitive.

In agreement with the statements above, the 'law of the land' which governs such entities as well as the Association's own documents create the rules for membership and service on the individual Board.

Fees, like taxes, will forever be a means of dispute. Every time they are raised, even if for fiscally sound reasons, you reach down into someone's wallet and take hard earned money from them and it runs against the grain of the earner.

“A penny saved is a government oversight.”
"Q might have done the right thing for the wrong reason, perhaps we need a good kick in our complacency to get us ready for what's ahead" -- Captain Picard, to Guinan (Q Who?)
so explain to me this:
i am an hpp land owner, I want to dispute the road fee's so i dont pay and i file a dispute with a court, I am also interested in getting on the board to eliminate or reduce a fee that i think is unfair. in your world you cant do both it once, you guys are acting like the IRS mentality. PAY UP and dispute after. I would argue that the moment a dispute is filed, it is the obligation of the board to prove factually that this person actually has this obligation. i hope you people enjoy your HOA nightmare. yet one more reason to live in hpp.

And the IRONY is that ONLY the board can "know who is late" i am assuming or is a list published openly? seems to me like you want your cake and to eat it also. how does anyone else know if the so called "BOARD" is current on their fees?

I wonder from all this if the HPPOA documents lack a phrase such as:

"all claims for adjustment shall be handled on an refund basis only and shall not be grounds for withholding payments when due"

If claiming a dispute was considered sufficient grounds to withhold HOA payments then theoretically that could be applied to anything.... your mortgage, your car payment, paying your employees, income tax.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

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