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HPP Residents Association ?
HPP is a great neighborhood , but it has many unique and furstrating problems , but to under stand them you have to know the history. I wont go into it here it would be a book . but HPPOA was established by a court decree and the road fee issues are set in that ( still havent been able to find the original document , all they have posted on the hppoa web site is part of an appeal - that say you have to pay your road fee, but none of the details of the rest. )
Part of the problem is the the association is set up as a corporation each lot you own is 1 share or vote. being that there are 8800 lots/votes and 2500 houses a majority of the votes can be in the hands of foreign owners ( some multiple lot owners live in the park) . But the fate of the people that live here can be in the hands of someone that has never even seen the place
What if it was written into the "Bylaws" say you cant be japanese and be on the board of directors?
I am very serious in this question, because you of COURSE know where this argument can logically be taken.

I wonder if you need to be current on your "Taxes" to run for the government.... LOL!!!

Originally posted by Bob Orts

No, you said it was illegal to require a candidate for the Board to be current in their assessments. I said it is not illegal because that requirement is written in the association’s legal documents (By-Laws) as required by State Law.

Well, You do need to be current on your taxes (according to the law) to do business with the state. They require a Tax Clearance Certificate stating that your taxes are paid and current.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
but not to be a part of the "state".... see the difference...

HOA's can not violate Federal, State or Local Laws.

Absent anything in Federal, State, or Local laws, that says otherwise, the governing documents of the HOA rules.

If you don't like the governing documents, Change Them! When you bought the property you agreed to abide by those governing documents, so you knew what you were agreeing to when you purchased. You knew what the rules were for running for office, and you agreed to abide by that rule. If a property owner did not read or understand the documents, tough!

I would never own property in an HOA again. (AND I DONT NOW FOR THE RECORD)

The hoa cannot openly exclude owners from joining the board.

now bob, in REALITY i agree with you 100% contracts rule. However i dont think the way current HOA's are setup they are exactly voluntary. If maybe you could OPT your LAND in our OUT of the adjoining HOA VOLUNTARILY that would be great, but somehow in magical legal land once the covenant is on the title and the land is part of the HOA it can NEVER LEAVE.

The only people that can see if anyone is "Late" is the board so who knows it the board is "Late".... the watchers dont want to let you watch them.


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