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trojan lumber kits & construction costs
I have read some good comments here on Punaweb regarding Trojan Homes. I would like to get more reviews regarding the company, its quality and service level.

Any negative reviews?

And how much should one estimate in final construction costs in addition to their kit costs?

For example for a $50,000 kit. What would be the construction costs be?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Since my house burned down, I now own a better view of the rising moon.
"Since my house burned down, I now own a better view of the rising moon"
Sorry to say Trojan went under due to the economy.


Thanks Royall.

Their website is still up. Strange.

Since my house burned down, I now own a better view of the rising moon.
"Since my house burned down, I now own a better view of the rising moon"
Yes, they are closing their doors, effective the end of April.
Anyone reputable still on the Big Island for Housing Kits?

Since my house burned down, I now own a better view of the rising moon.
"Since my house burned down, I now own a better view of the rising moon"
I have always used Argus for my lumber.They drew up plans for my deck and figured the lumber with no waste.I was shorted 1 2x8 and Argus drove 35 miles to my house to deliver that 1 board with no charge.
I just bought some 16"x16" concrete piers from Trojan a few days ago. They were really cheap at $31 a piece. The guy at the counter said they were going out of business and that's why they were so cheap.
Argus has pre-approved plans too. My parents had the same thing, a manini problem with the order & Argus made it right immediately. I'd definitely use Argus when I build & I always recommend him to folks who are getting ready to build. Plus, he's a great guy.

Trojan is still open selling off the last of their stuff. Glen, Julia and George were wonderful, helpful and smiling today when I was there. Have to give them a huge thumbs up for service today, especially knowing they're jobs end soon. I don't know if I could be that happy and smiley in the same circumstance!

* I'd rather fail at happiness than succeed at misery *
* I'd rather fail at happiness than succeed at misery *
I had Argus do a material take of list on my garage plans and their price for materials beat everyone by a wide margin!
Aloha Monty,
If you go by Trojan they may give you their draftsman/architects name so that you can design something very similar if not exactly from their plantation line. Most builders can figure the materials list from plans. I purchased the Trojan Princess design, and I'm about to get my permits, but will have to purchase my materials from another supplier. Good Luck!
Best, Tony

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