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Source? Solar power electric fencing
Seeking advice on where to acquire some electric pasture fencing - solar powered.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
rob, here's a couple links.. the last has some good info



I got a neat solar fencing product from Olsen's in Waimea. Don't have it anymore, but it was the best deal I could find on island. Olsen's really has the best prices; it's worth the trip.
thanks folks.....


I'm looking at these and they all seem to measure their fencing potential in miles of fencing. So I wonder if I had a unit suited for 5 miles and put up 1/2 mile of fence might I also be able to support a small wattage part time light? Concurrent use? I would want the fence on full time and the light potential for turning on and off as needed.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
depending on how much light you need.... they do sell LED lights now that screw into a standard base. Check with Jim and Carey about them. I believe they use them in there house. Very low wattage.



A 10 mile unit for a half mile could be a 2-in-1 BBQ!


Ratings on fence power units simply take into account the leakage on any fence installation. No insulator has perfect insulation, so there is some leakage current across the surface of the insulator, especially after it gets dusty and then wet. As you add those up, so many in a mile, you can see that the power supply must be beefier for longer runs. You simply have a constant leakage current flow that increases the farther you go. The high voltage is no higher, the transformer is just able to carry a heavier constant current draw without overloading.

A ten mile charger will safely and easily carry anything less than ten miles. But a two mile charger will overload on five miles of wire. Don't get into contact with any of them. A little backyard dog fence charger I had, had enough umph to jolt you out of your sox. The word is "Respect."

But I consider that comon sense for any electricity above about thirty five volts?!!!

QUOTE from Wayman: - The word is "Respect."

and then there is the story of a friend, who, for whatever reason, loved to "water" his compost pile which was located next to his electric fence. So the story goes, one night, while "watering" in the darkness, his stream hit the fence and the jolt immediately traveled upstream eliciting a howl which quickly brought out his partner to investigate. RESPECT is a good thing.


Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident

I'm still chuckling over the fellow getting on the hot wire! I can almost see it happen.

My dad was fascinated with "radio" as we called it back then, not having yet invented "electronics." In the late thirties we lived on a corner and our neighbor behind and across the street had a hound he let run loose. The hound cut across the corner on his way home and always "marked" our small cedar tree at the corner of the house. He was turning the lower branches brown, slowly killing them. Dad spoke to the neighbor, but he shrugged, "He's a dog, dogs do that, How can I stop him?"

Dad thought he could. First he drove some stakes into the ground around the tree and stapled some chicken wire to it. But Dog had more range than Dad figgured.

He went to plan B. He clipped a wire onto the chicken wire, and brought it through the front door to a 300 volt transformer. He took a wire back out to a metal rod driven into the ground. Then he waited for the dog. He was not sure how potent the transformer would be. Much depended on how good a path to ground the hound got through the grass. He was aware he could electrocute the dog and was prepared for quick action in case he did, to make the "evidence" disappear. Which was entirely out of character for Dad, he was scrupulously honest, besides, he had no desire to actually harm the animal, just, shall we say, "educate" it? Yet there was that possibility.

But it worked perfectly. Hound's leg went up, water works started up, AND they never shut off! Switch went ON, hound bounded from his stand with the most mournful distressful bay ever heard from such an animal. All the way down the road he left a wet streak in the dust. He was still howling his distress as he ran into his home yard, and around to the back of his house. By then, Dad with a satisfied grin, had removed his wires and swore us all to silence about the entire proceedings.

He didn't fry a dog, really didn't hurt him that much, just surprised him. But he did teach him a lesson that he never forgot, that hound never cut across our corner again, and Dad had correctly figured all the factors. He was espcially proud of that. He studied and eventually even got an amateur radio operator's license.

LOL! Oh God that's funny!! LOL! There has been a time or two that I wish I had something like here. But the dog "moved" away!



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