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Census Cover up?
Greg, I'm confused about what is upsetting you the most? Is this topic about the fact they went in and ignored postings, or are you blown away that someone was shot at, or are you most upset that the incident(s) weren't publicized?

This topic seems to be going all three directions.
It seems the bosses, out of ignorance, put their workers in danger. I'm not at all surprised that incidents like these happened, and wouldn't be nearly as curious about them if they had been reported and acted upon.

So for me, it's the "cover up" that bothers me the most.

Why would they keep this information out of the public record if not to protect someone's incompetance, and/or negligence?
Thanks Greg. You are probably right, although I can think of one reason, and that's to downplay the inference that it's dangerous to go knocking on doors in the land of Aloha. i.e. it could also be about Hawai'i's image.
seems my earlier speculation was correct,trespassin
At Saturday's meeting of the HPP Neighborhood Watch, our Community Policing Officer informed us that the story about a trespassing arrest was indeed true. It seems a census worker was looking into the windows of a residence and refused to leave when the resident asked him. The census worker became belligerent, and the resident, who happened to be a police officer, called for some other cops to come remove the person. The worker was still there when the other cops arrived and proceeded to argue with them to the effect that he was government worker and could be there if he pleased. Census person got arrested and taken to the cell block. If a census worker was shot at, no police report was made, according to our CPO.
The question is... Did the police officer send in his form, as required by law? (sarcasm)
Well I'm pretty sure the enumerators weren't trained to do this type of survey [Wink].

Jerry, is your CPO Danny? He, like Briski before him is a perfect fit for the job and I would take his version as very credible.
Greg, our CPO is Sandor Finkey, and he has been an extremely reliable source of information in the past. He provided the details about the trespassing arrest without being asked. (I was going to ask, but didn't have to.) Sandor provides us at the HPP Neighborhood Watch with statistics and a map showing crime in HPP every month. These can be seen at our website . We have charts and maps going back six months.
Danny is the CPO for Vacationland and I asked him about the census workers.
He told me the same thing that JerryCarr heard from his CPO.

If anyone got shot at it was not reported to the police.

The enumerator who was arrested was given numerous chances to just back off and refused.He was arrested after becoming confrontational with the police.

Edit to correct same same !!
We had a census worker, little Asian woman in her 50s, show up at our house in Ocean View around 8:45am a while back. Our property is posted private property / no trespassing. We were both thinking, CRAZY! I cant imagine going to random homes in Ocean View for any reason, better yet as an alone older women going past a no trespassing sign and being thought of as a federal employee. She also did not follow directions. When she pulled up I asked her to stay in the driveway and I would come down to her, she ignored me and came around to the other side of the house. Seems VERY dangerous, and honestly a bit stupid.

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