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Are Yurts a legal habitable structure on Big I
Originally posted by ChicEco
I believe the location & size of water catchment is what insurers focus on.
While I'm not an insurance expert, I know that is unfortunately not true. What they focus on is how far is the closest fire hydrant and how far is the closest fire station.[Sad][Sad][Sad]

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
(This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

2 years ago I wanted to buy a yurt in Seaview - lava zone 2.
I couldn't find any financial institution in the country to finance a yurt .
(I have very high credit score and got the construction loan later).

One of the reason - impossibility to get yurts insured.

Of course,it was 2 years ago.Thing might have changed.

ChicEco,what is your source on yurt insurance?

Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
ChicEco,[b]what is your source on yurt insurance?

Just conversations, mostly Realtors. I'm far from any insurance expert & don't have a source to share. It's such a personal choice w/ these weird circumstances. I decided that since I don't have a mortgage (still near impossible for a yurt, but slowly changing for better), that I can live w/o insurance. Seems wiser in my Lava 2 zone to invest in other kinds of security measures.

There will be a Yurt Makers Conference on Big Island (east side) Aug 11-15th. This is just one of many topics to be discussed amongst the trade. Public, yurt enthusiasts, invited on Saturday August 14th! Details to be announced later this month.

Delia Montgomery
d/b/a Chic Eco
Environmental Fashion & Design ~ Consultant & Broker
Become a yurt blog follower! See
Delia Montgomery,
New info:

Delia Montgomery
d/b/a Chic Eco
Environmental Fashion & Design ~ Consultant & Broker
Become a yurt blog follower! See
Delia Montgomery,
wow this is awesome, there is hope in Hawaii, I couldn't imagine getting anything alternative permitted here in CA, if so, it would take an act of congress. Or new title 24 energy codes and firecodes are extremely restrictive. Getting those containers permitted is awesome,
I wonder how they handled meeting the shear requirements especially using salvaged materials. The properties of untested salvaged materials are unkown. I have to throw away complete roofs / trusses as salvaged they are unusable here, such a waste.

I know of a place in KSVE that is entirely made out of yurts and it is completely legal with the County. There are financing issues for a new buyer but that's more because the lender is clueless. I also know someone building a completely-legal home out of shipping containers (and it actually will look pretty cool when done). The County is not totally out of touch with unusual building construction. Sometimes, they do need to have the builder/owner work with them to show them its safe, etc.

John Dirgo, R, BIC, EcoBroker, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
John Dirgo, R, PB, EcoBroker, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
Originally posted by jdirgo
...because the lender is clueless.
Aren't they all clueless? That's why we are in such a deep s*** financially.

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
(This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

l Love Puna Web... Was told by a frlend of some frlends that yurts had been a hot toplc here recently, so l had to come see =) l contlnue to meet people all over the lsland that shout, "Hey! are you yurt glrL from Puna Web?!". Ahhh, love lt~ Thanks agaln, Rob.

Hello folks, (my "eye" button broke, so l have to use lower "L" for now, sorry!). Glad to see some of the old commentators stlLL commentlng on the yurts. John, l could have sworn l talked wlth you about thls subject ln depth before... Could have sworn that l let you know w/o a doubt that we have permltted many yurts ln our 5 years of buslness... maybe l'm mlstaken.

Yurts are permlttable here ln Hawall. The changes to the code aren't golng to change that as far as l can tell and lf lt does then thls county wlLL sadly be perpetuatlng lt's rampant problem w/ unpermltted structures. Even then, at least the yurts would be safe, unLlke many unpermltted structures. The entlre yurt lndustry ls comlng together natlonwlde to educate bulLdlng departments, flnancers and lnsurers as to the lncredlbe strength, lntegrlty and durablLlty of yurts. l am actlvely worklng hard to faclLltate that. Please do come to our PubLlc Yurt Luau! lt wlLL be on August 14th, from 9 to about 7. Some really great people ln the yurt world wlLL be there. There wlLL be food, good company and great entertalnment. (Thanks for brlnglng that up, DeLla!)

We'll be seelng changes natlonwlde surroundlng yurts, and l thlnk pretty qulckly. lt's largely the fact that people aren't educated about yurts that we have lssues ln areas of lnsurance and flnanclng. lt ls not what that lndustry typlcally sees, hasn't been the trend, so there ls dlfflculty flndlng falr market analysls. Now, lf 3 yurts went up ln one area and one sold, then there would be falr market analysls, you would be able to flnd a lender to bulLd or buy a yurt that ls already bulLt lN THAT AREA. But we haven't seen that yet. That wlLL be the focus of the annual world yurt makers conference thls year. Rlght now the only place that the yurts come lnto a problem ln flttlng the codes that are trylng to be enacted, ls ln the area of lnsulatlon, whlch ls rldlculous to enforce here ln Hawall, where ventlLatlon ls the most crltlcal factor. They are trylng to make lt mandatory to have all resldentlal and commerclaL structures lnsulated ln roof, walls, wlndows, doors and floors. lt's Lunacy. lt ls further frustratlng because yurts have excellent lnsulatlon, but because lt ls a new klnd of lnsulatlon (even used ln many tradltlonal new houses), lt does not factor ln the lndustrles equatlon of r-value (whlch was created/deflned by the flberglass lnsulatlon lndustry, how convenlent).

A great resource for yurts and lnformatlon ls (that's lnfo w/ an "eye"). You can check out just about everythlng about yurts there. Can also always glve us a call or emalL or post =)

A hul ho~

Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
YurtGirl (Melissa),

If you go back to our prior conversation, I never said that yurts could not be permitted -- even at that time, I knew of a fully permitted yurt home. The problem I raised and that we could not resolve then (and still can't resolve now) is that lenders won't give loans on them. The container home is something I only learned about in the last year or so. It remains to be seen if lenders will get a clue on that one. This is nothing to do with the validity or value of yurts or container homes, just that lender guidelines are out-of-touch not just with current building standard for yurts and container homes but with life on the Big Island where yurts are a truly viable option.

There's a number of yurts in KSVE and some have sold, but lenders still won't make loans on them. The ones that have sold, sold for cash. The lenders won't consider them because they consider them to be "temporary". Yes, its wrong and stupid I know. No one ever said that lenders were sensible in cases where a home is "unconventional".

John Dirgo, R, BIC, EcoBroker, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
John Dirgo, R, PB, EcoBroker, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
If you seek yurt lending, please read
and don't forget good 'ole credit cards!
Delia Montgomery,

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