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Mattress disposal

Simple question: where does one dispose of a mattress on the island? I have a king-size mattress I'd like to replace but have no idea where it should go. It's in no condition to hand off to someone for free unfortunately, I'd rather just get rid of it. Any suggestions?

Tom, if only this were a troll post.... soo many answers (.... vacant lots top the list, up to some of the 'vagrant' communities, to school for playground equipment.... so many troll answers)

We have not been able to find a recycling facility for mattresses, some of the stores will take for a small fee... but if there was no replacement purchase:

Foam: cut up into less than 4' sections for transfer stations, or take to Hilo dump whole
Innerspring: the same, UNLESS you are willing to take it further down & take out the metal for the metal recycling bin, then the rest into the transfer waste bin
Kind of on the same track, where can one take their used motor oil and filter. Is there somewhere to recycle it? Thanks, Little Bill
Try this:
Most mattress dealers provide mattress disposal, just as some appliance dealers take the old one away. Unless you are buying a used mattress (ugh), I would negotiate the exchange as part of purchase.
Thanks Carey and Kathy. By the way, I realised my post might be taken as a bit of a troll given the answers it might provoke, but it is a genuine question because I was hoping to find an alternative to dumping something so large at a transfer station. I hadn't considered cutting it up, so that's something I'll definitely look into (it's an innerspring) and of course will look into having it taken away by a mattress company.

Thanks again.

Tom, it never occurred to me that it was trollish. It's a real problem dealing with an old mattress. So many things can go to thrift stores, but a mattress is something that Goodwill and Salvation Army are prohibited from taking. I learned that years ago. It's a perfectly good question.
kathyh: goodwill and salvation army are prohibited from taking old mattresses? is that for this island only? gosh, i think i saw used ones at both these places on o'ahu, but that was many years ago.

"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

That's what I was told, and actually that was in California, but they said it as a rule of the organization. I assumed the reason is bedbugs. Maybe they've changed that stance, it wouldn't hurt to ask. I have heard that the bedbug problem is getting worse, not better.
Hmmm. I bought a mattress from the salvation army...that was when I first moved here a few years ago....downtown hilo. Gave it back to them a year later and they resold it. I'm pretty sure goodwill here sells brand new cheap ones...but not used.

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