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Hello Punatics!
Seems like the sides are forming up here, so I guess I'll add another perhaps unwelcome 2 cents. First, I think, yeah, KathyH was a little less than welcoming in her original response. And then she belabored the point about others reading fish's fiction and they just won't understand and then they'll all come here and just ruin Hawaii for the cool people who already live here and know the rules. Well, I think I'm beginning to understand that she does this sort of thing, so oh well... We all get to take away a lesson learned here, and maybe take KathyH with a grain of salt next time. And maybe KathyH and Mauka will realize, after some quiet reflection, that scolding does not persuade anyone over 18 to abide by the rules. Appeal to some other aspect of our character, if you want a less recalcitrant result. (A quip about flies and honey comes to mind, but I will resist the urge to repeat it.) Another quick (random) point I'd like to make is that DHHL lands are not private. The DHHL is permitted by the US government to administer those lands for the Hawaiian Homelands Trust. Now, that said, I concede that DHHL lands are not open to public use, so the spirit of the comment (I think it was KathyH) was correct. But the fact has a corollary, I think, to another point made in this thread, with which I take strenuous issue: that Hawaii is somehow more important than other places in America. Not true. Now, I moved here, and I will live and die here because I think this is a magical place. But I would not present as unassailable fact the notion that it is somehow more worthy of protection than, say, the Gulf Coast, or the Tornado Belt, or anywhere else in America, or the world. All places are sacred to those who inhabit them. All places deserve the same respect from all people. And all people deserve the benefit of the doubt when blogging on Punatalk, especially when their main objective seems to be to say hello and maybe make a few of us laugh. So don't litter, breathe a little bit before you post, and lighten up a smidge... you'll live longer. Or don't do any of those things. After all, I'm just another Punatic blogger with a damn opinion... worth exactly what you paid for it!
Originally posted by mdd7000
Fishnchamp - Welcome!
You received the typical, KathyH reply. It's all about her. Most everyone here has received the same preachy thing.
I have stayed out of this subject thread because it seems more personal than anything else for me, but I personally know KathyH and I certainly know "it's not all about her."

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
(This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:


Oh, the joys of forum-life where comments can be misinterpreted and the tone changes instantly.

As a fellow newcomer I'll just say that having a local inform us of aspects of Big Island life is a great thing. Although as adults it can sometimes be uncomfortable having someone tell you that you did something that isn't considered cool, legality aside.

While I sometimes do wish for a little more patience from locals when I don't magically have knowledge of all Hawaiian customs or speak Pidgin but I also don't make a point of puffing up my chest and telling them this is America and I'm an American so deal with it. (no, William, I don't think you did this; its only tangential to this thread)

I'll confess I did enjoy your photos but was skimming as I was short on time and didn't read everything on your blog so I missed the story regarding seed-smuggling. I guess it was a tall-tale but I don't think I would have thought that without you explicitly stating it was just some selective embellishment.

I also just want to say that portraying KathyH as some sort of Punaweb nanny seems unfair. I've been following Punaweb for 2 1/2 years and have yet to see examples of her being disrespectful. She does speak her mind but does it without insulting or mocking.

Punaweb is a great resource and usually pretty friendly but sometimes the cliqueing sound gets pretty loud.

Lastly since you will be building a house I'll just mention that I hear Ace will special order anything on their website and have it shipped locally at no extra charge. Also I am a cabinetmaker so if you need sources for specialty hardware I have some options I can point you to.

I'll say it again, it sounds like you and your wife will love Hawaii and have a great life here.
Originally posted by KathyH

...Whether or not you saw a sign and whether or not locals were at Green Sands with vehicles or other tourists, it IS private property and the landowner's permission is to walk from the parking, not to drive. I have that direct from DHHL. They don't want visitors driving there, and at various times in the past they have secured the gate there. If you don't believe me, call them and ask if you can drive your Jeep over their land to the beach. 808-974-4250 -- try getting the straight answer before assuming you're in the right...

Since on numerous trips to Green Sands in the last year we have been observing locals in 4x4 trucks that offer to drive people from the parking lot to the Green Sand cliff area, for a fee, this is rather hard to believe.
Maybe if I, as a white transplant tried this, I would get accused of trespassing, but it is OK for the real Hawaiians (if you can even tell by looks) to charge people for doing the same? Laws have to apply equally to everyone, locals, transplants and tourists.
Somehow, I don't think I would get a "straight" answer from DHHL, do you?
It's colorful in here! (part of me is selfishly enjoying the time difference, sleep tight everyone!) Thanks for the warm welcomes!

Don't worry wino a few different opinions won't run me off. Party sounds like a great idea! Can't say that I'd bring booze but should the ocean provide, I'd bring some killer ahi to the scene!
TonyB - do tell, what's the deal with not keeping a rock? Like if I wanted to build something out of stone there'd be some issue with that? I think a black lava wall protecting an herb garden from the pigs and such would be awesome!
Hey mdd, no skin off my teeth, it's all gravy... She means well. Smile Thanks for the welcome.
Glad you joined in DaVinci, thanks for chiming in and detailing the gravity of all this!
freestate, glad you enjoyed the photo tour! If there is a heaven on earth I am certain the big island must be it. BTW, thanks for the heads up on Ace and cabinetry!

William DeBoe
Delray Beach, FL

Moe'uhane Oihana mahi ai
Mahi 'ai 'Ulu
Kathy, that post was not necessarily intended for you exclusively. If I offended you, I am deeply sorry. It just seems like a new person always gets the same long lecture. I KNOW that you are concerned about Waipio because years ago I remember the same response from you. Respect is important to be sure. There are people that monitor that road and do share the same sentiments. It IS a beautiful and sacred place. I guess I've just heard it so many times that it's tedious anymore. Sorry.

It would be nice to hear something joyful once in a while, instead of all the finger-wagging that seems inherent. Couldn't there be a mix of finger-wagging joy?? LOL (Carrie makes a weak attempt at levity.)

And now I'm referring to myself in the third person. Look what's happened![Wink]


"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
Carrie Rojo

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR

Hear, hear!

.....malolo (joyfully wagging her tail that some folks get it ...all the while welcoming the originator of the thread, who, in his enthusiasm and ignorance-at-the-time did indeed make a goof, but who she sincerely believes would like to make amends, and is probably (hopefully) at this very moment in time genetically-modifying/editing/deleting sections of his blog and picture file in such a way as to not lead others astray. In fact, since he does indeed seem like an intelligent caring soul, he may actually find it in his heart to write an article one day about some of the very issues he's learned about from his soon-to-be neighbors and 3D friends.) :-)
Aloha William. First, I should tell you I'm not sharpening a pitchfork or lighting any torches[Big Grin] I know you had a wonderful experience at Jerry & Cindy's place, I live right next door. I know Aki the dog all too well. Jerry recently put up a new fence, and we haven't heard or smelled much of the mutt since.
Originally posted by mdd7000
Somehow, I don't think I would get a "straight" answer from DHHL, do you?
You sure would do! They actually are really pissed off by people, both locals and tourists, driving there! They even published a "warning article" in the West Hawaii Today about a year(?) ago.

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
(This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:


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