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HELP: catchment tank rusting already
Topic says it all, catchment tank is is about 2 years old and has some massive rust spots. Any advice?
Sand, rust kill, paint. Paint entire tank.

Daniel R Diamond
Daniel R Diamond


Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
I've had my doughboy catchment for 22years and still counting. It's had rust spots for the last 12 years. I wouldn't worry too much about it.
I take it you are looking to save the tank you have, not what to get instead.... you can also use an oxidation inhibitor like the phosphoric acid based products like Ospho on the outside to reduce some of the work of removing the rust, but still should cover up the area that rusted with something to prevent further oxidation (paint, wax, oil as a temp fix).
For the rust, you can also use compound wax.
The simple remedy, use any car wax liquid soap.The water will bead up and then just roll off. I also use it on my pressure tank, waterheater, propane tanks and this has preserved there life as well. My watertank is over 10 years old, and looks like the day we bought it.[Big Grin]
Thanks for the help guys. I wirE brushed it down today and applied some rust converter. Turned the rust black somehow. Gonna paint over it tomorrow.

That rust converter stuff is weird. Part of it seems to carry an electrical charge. I accidentally spilled some on me and i felt a small static electricity. Then I did it again on purpose to test... Same result.

Back to the subject however. Don't you guys think 2 years before encountering rust on galvinuzed steel is a bit, uh, soon? Actually, now that I think about it, I started noticing rust LAST year.

Thanks to bud Turpin too. He also Gave me some advice on this. He's a nice guy.
personally i think the newer tanks are pretty poor quality, that i bet the steel is coming from china. the older tanks in my neighborhood over 10 years old are non painted and rust free, while all the newer tanks rust very very quickly... cheaper steel or galvinizing process i believe.
I second a wire brush, ospho and paint - had to do mine at the two year mark - at least it matches everything else now (in color) - grin
Would be even better if you could get to the other side of the spot too ... just sayin' ; )


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