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yah Tom, me too. It's tiny black gobs. Not like turds. More wet. We sometimes find it on the baseboards or backsplash in the kitchen.
I do cleaning for a couple that was gone for some time and the geckos really had their way with the home...that was kinda nasty for them!
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Carrie Rojo
"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
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My guess is the geckos are in your house because, well, it's a place to munch on tasty bugs. If you can figure out a way to keep the bugs out, the geckos will likely seek out other opportunities.
We've recently "trained" a gecko (from the time it was a tiny little thing) to join us for breakfast. We put a little piece of banana out right next to the computer. We've named the Gecko "Nana" since she loves bananas. (And yeah, we decided it's a "she"--just has that feminine vibe going.) And after Nana gets her potassium fix, she usually crawls onto the keyboard where it's warm, and rests just beyond my wife's fingertips. Other geckos are afraid to come that close, so Nana always feasts alone. I think she's put on a few ounces these past few weeks, but I don't have the heart to tell her. :-)
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Originally posted by The Lack
Get a snake, a small boa will do the job. our rose boa loves the gecko in the house and dose a bang-up job on the coqui's when we let him outside for some fresh air. We got the rose boa because he is easy to spot in our banana trees and he keeps the cane spiders down too.
The Lack
The Lack Toons
Way too funny!!!! Can't wait to read the "replies" to that statement!! lol!!
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I don't get the boa joke. Not a real snake, yes?
I don't mind the anoles. I think they're adorable and curious about what we're doing - but they always do this outside, in the daytime, and I have no problem letting them watch me go about my business. .They love it when I get some new plants for the yard, esp. if they're flowers and colorful, which they explore and clean of whatever bugs they can find. I love the anoles (locals call them chameleons, even tho they have no prehensile tail, etc).
The "house geckos" I'm talking about are the ones that come out at night. Their poop is soft and if they let go while they're making their way across your wall, it "splatters" down the wall. When we moved in, the previous owners had not caulked and there was a half-inch opening along the whole roofline along our indoor lanai. So there were tons of these buggers in the house. We are down to only 1 or two a night. The rest stay outside on the windows where the bugs collect in search of light. We recently pulled out a window, and in the frame were a bunch of gecko eggs (these are small round white eggs), so we may be seeing the next generation a year later here after move-in. When the previous owners moved, behind every piece of furniture or where artwork had hung was dried up drippy poo.
Broom method doesn't seem to work for me - they invariably find some crevice to dart into before they get to the door. My friend says they often jump up in the broom and she just tosses the broom out on the lanai and lets them make their way out. Mine must be too smart for my broom!
I'm told these guys have salmonella, so I'm not sure I want our puppy eating them.
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If your dog has any prey instinct and is allowed outside off a leash, it is already eating lizards. It took us awhile to figure out just what it was our dogs were constantly hunting out in the tall grass and weeds, but once we saw little feet and a long tail sticking out of one of their mouths it all made sense.
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The gecko poop usually has a white spot at the end, which I believe is from the calcium in its prey.
And I have read that the anole, a type of chameleon, frequently carries salmonella so wash your hands if you handle them.
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I'm betting that white stuff is urine, like bird all-in-one poop.
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I just caught a beautiful green one on my leather jacket. Grabbed him like an alligator behind the head. I told him I wasn't going to hurt him & to stay out of my house. He appeared to understand - to be continued . . .