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Originally posted by KathyH
This isn't aimed at anyone who liked it, but I loathe the Megadisaster series. It's like FOX news got in bed with the History Channel and a bad horror flick. The History Channel should be ashamed and feel dirty.
I assumed MSNBC, Al Gore and global climate warming caused by man, despite the cycles of climate warming and cooling in the past without man causing it.
tlboyles, yes, I do have a sense of humor. Not sure why I don't let it roam more on Punaweb. IRL I'm in humor mode most of the time.
lquade, like I said, the basic subject matter of what could happen is good material. It's just this series goes for the ultimate Doomsday scenario. Its intent is to provoke fear and to go for shock value. It's not at heart a scientific show, or it would present the material in a balanced fashion. It's not created especially to educate people who live here or plan to live here. Such a show I would welcome.
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The mega disasters in Hawaii is right up their with the super volcanoes show. Maybe someone told the HC they were boring.
Sure it all could happen, but the show was so cheesy, it made me laugh!
Pass the popcorn!
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Puna: Our roosters crow first
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Just watched it. The tone was ridiculous for the most part, but there was also some really good footage I haven't seen before and some good information. Mauna Loa and Hualalai really do carry some major risks since their flows have the potential to reach populated areas quickly. Both are overdue for eruptions, and both could very likely do so in my lifetime. And really even lava crossing anywhere on our 1 highway around the island would be a huge problem for lots of people and potentially wreak economic havoc. It was from 2007 by the way.
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Why is it bogus?
No. 1: Troy Kindred hasn't been the Civil Defense director for more than 2 years. If this program is just now debuting, the producer could have gotten a more up-to-date clip from our actual Civil Defense director. Maybe CD administrator Quince Mento turned them down for being too INCENDIARY, INFLAMMATORY???
No. 2: The producer used generic film footage taken any day, any where and put it together with general statements to pad his cause. They even shot generic footage of Kona while shaking the gullible is the American public? They also took liberal use of isolated quotes totally out of context with the ways they used them in the program.
No. 3: Anybody who has been here any time knows how the lava flows down-slope, as in a stream, like water. Not in molten waves moving horizontally down-slope as pictured in the preview.
There are enough real natural dangers here without having to manufacture them. Maybe this will discourage tourism and people from moving here...hopefully. I really like Kathy's take on the whole thing!
Islands Magazine just named the Big Island the number one island in the world to live on. It's nice to have a place you love so dearly validated but could lead to another population explosion. I welcome shows like this. They keep out the riff raff.
I've been amazed for a while at the amount of new houses just north of Kailua going up the slopes of Hualalai. Of course I am on the slopes of Mauna Loa. But I know and am well aware of the dangers. When I first came to Hawaii I thought about living on Kauai or Maui, but discounted them as their volcanoes are long dead. The magic of living so close to Kilauea cannot be overstated.
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This show has been around for years. Be Prepared!
Daniel R Diamond
Daniel R Diamond
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Originally posted by lquade
1984 eruption of mauna loa, they were from the HOVE that was still sparsely populated back then. they lost everything
1984 Manua Loa hit HOVE? I thought all the flows went the other direction, generally toward Hilo (but not making it there).
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The 1984 flows did go toward Hilo, getting to within about four miles of Kaumana City before stopping. There was no damage to developed property.
There are vents on Mauna Loa's southern flank that in the past have produced flows hitting the area that is now Hawaiian Ocean View Estates, but the last one to hit that area was in 1907, long before HOVE was established.