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Adults Displaying Childlike Behavior On-line.
House Hunters International sheds light on this in a recent episode from Uruguay's, Punta del Este area.

One of the most exclusive beach communities, Punta del Este has no street signs. People put up individual signs, naming their homes themselves. Very classy.

Soon, we'll see the same in Wa Wa. The question is, do we want the area in question to gentrify into Puna's most exclusive coastal neighborhood?

The street sign remover is thinking ahead.

This has nothing to do with pot. This is about branding and future real estate development. There are pros and cons on both sides.

Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
Before this topic expires, and it's on its last gasp, I want to say something about Kane's original premise. The topic went off into technical discussion of surveillance techniques, but as Kane is sure he is ready for Wa'a Wa'a, something to ponder. Kane wrote:
The intent of this post is to give a heads up to some of the “not so smart” local pot growers in Puna.
Was this really the intent? Do you honestly think they are reading this topic? I would love to see your pot-growing neighbors register and make an anonymous thank you for the head's up.
I personally don’t give a crap what people grow, however, I do care when it affects me.
Please. You chose to move to one of the most fiercely independent subdivisions in a district nicknamed the Wild West. I sure figured out this would be going on there when I was in escrow, and you are too smart not to have figured it out. But you chose to move there. You should expect it to affect you; to think you can be an island of law-abiding citizens in outlaw country, and not feel any ripples that will impinge upon the kingdom of Wao, is naive.
We live in the U.S.A. and in this country we use ... (see Wao's list of Wao's dream CC&R's. [:p] )
You know, this is the kind of statement that would suit you well for, um, Scottsdale AZ. Not Wa'a Wa'a. If you wanted to be in NORMAL U.S.A. you shouldn't have moved off the grid in Puna.
you should be protecting ____, like the rest of us normal people.
See above comment. Seriously? You move to Wa'a Wa'a and then rant when there's even a minority of residents there who don't behave like your model of normal?

If you cannot see any irony in these expectations as ranted here, and I don't expect you to, then I stick with my assessment that you aren't a good fit for the place you moved. If you can at least see the incongruency of your expectations, you might have a shot of living happily there. If a few missing signs is enough to make you leave your bliss to post an utterly futile rant on Punaweb, you have some huge speed bumps in your future there. Or do you expect that now you have moved there, everyone will change their drug-befuddled ways and submit to the royal dictates? [8D]

Ed. to make it clear to Wao nahele wahine that this post is in reply to the OP, and not to her. Wao in this instance means the OP.

Not my statements Kathy...for all of your grand trumpeting of your educational achievements, you still fail miserably at some basic reading comprehension. The fact that I didn't state I did NOT agree to some of Kane's statements is not an issue. I am one person and have my own opinions. Quit the phony extrapolating in regards to me. For someone who was wanting some civility on this thread, you sure have tried to ramp things up the past few days.

Sounds like you consider Puna as the kingdom of KathyH and you get to dictate who lives there.

Give it a rest, dear.

My apologies to the other punawebbers for this thread getting dragged down again. I felt the need to respond to KathyH's crapola.



Lead by example
And before we continue down this never ending tantrum, lets pause for a stress break.

Feeling irritable? People don't"get"you?

Sit down, get comfortable,relax and take a ________ of your favorite__________.

Insert appropriate words from list:
Toke .. Herb
Sip .. Wine
Drink .. Beer
Breath .. flower
Page .. book

Please repeat the sequence every time you have the urge to post on this thread again.
Wahine, if you wish to be dissociated from Kane's statements, noted and will so edit. Dear (as you've now adopted this form of address, I will follow your lead) -- there is a difference between lack of reading comprehension and lack of motivation to reread all of both your posts (I would rather go play with fire ants) in order to figure out your exact position relative to Kane's opening statements. I just don't care at this point. I said that I was discussing the original premise (HIS), and as I am quoting the lead post (HIS) and nothing from you, it should be implicit that I am addressing what HE said. You were only mentioned because you did reject the idea that you're not a good fit for the area.

Wao nahele Kane was here for a long time before you ever posted, so when I said Wao I was referring solely to Kane, not to you. I'm sorry if my use of Wao seemed to be addressing you; I call you by your sigline. Do you want everyone to spell out the whole names every time?. Oh, and that was civil. You will know when you see me taking off the civility hat and speaking without a filter.
I'm not stressed out, Greg. The sun is shining and the birds are browsing the lawn, and it's just about cool enough to do some yard work at my elevation. (and I don't do substances this early in the day, although no judging for those who begin earlier). Breathing is good though.

ed to remove extraneous G that hopped on to Greg's name.
Originally posted by KathyH

Wahine, if you wish to be dissociated from Kane's statements, noted and will so edit. Dear (as you've now adopted this form of address, I will follow your lead) -- there is a difference between lack of reading comprehension and lack of motivation to reread all of both your posts (I would rather go play with fire ants) in order to figure out your exact position relative to Kane's opening statements. I just don't care at this point. I said that I was discussing the original premise (HIS), and as I am quoting the lead post (HIS) and nothing from you, it should be implicit that I am addressing what HE said. You were only mentioned because you did reject the idea that you're not a good fit for the area.

Wao nahele Kane was here for a long time before you ever posted, so when I said Wao I was referring solely to Kane, not to you. I'm sorry if my use of Wao seemed to be addressing you; I call you by your sigline. Do you want everyone to spell out the whole names every time?. Oh, and that was civil. You will know when you see me taking off the civility hat and speaking without a filter.

Wahine and Kane will work fine...thought you would have figured that out on your own. Nice to see you own up to a lack of're the one who wouldn't be a good fit here. Been giving the neighbors quite a good laugh repeating your comments about how life in Waa Waa is all laid back.

I know how long Kane has been on here...

Nice edit...You knew you meant both of us since that was how it was originally addressed on certain issues. Miss KathyH(The 'H' stands for Her Highness of Puna).

Go tell someone else how to live their lives. Or maybe you should concentrate on your own.



Lead by example
Wow. I feel vindicated. Finally.
I always did feel that it is all about KathyH...

Thank you! [Smile]
I always did feel that it is all about KathyH...
Yep, and I'm psychic too. When I saw mdd on the last post list, I just knew you were going to say that. [Smile]

*adjusts tiara and twirls*

ETA, this last post is an attempt to stay on topic per the new thread title. [:p]

Just to keep it Hawaii.

The new radio spot with Mufis wife defending him comes to mind here ... Just could not find it on line.


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