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Master gardener plant sale and great information
On Saturday, October 30th, master gardeners will have a plant sale at 875 Komohana. We will be open from 9am to 2pm. This is also the place where you can pick up free information about growing fruit, veggies, etc. There will be a lot going on:

If you have a chance to talk to Mike Nagao (see below), he is the consultant for commercial fruit growers and can answer any fruit tree questions you have.

In the Conference Room:
9:30 KT Cannon-Eger will demonstrate how to make that kitchen favorite, black pepper, from Piper nigrum, an easy to grow vine. A must see!
10:30 Mike Nagao will be slicing samples and talking about tropical fruit
11:30 Skip Bittenbender will demonstrate making chocolate from cacao, an easy to grow plant that we have for sale!
12:30 Ty McDonald (Kona Extension) will demonstrate grafting.

In the court yard and beyond:
HIMGA Plant Sale -- Fruit Fly and LFA Info Booth -- Bug Guys -- MG Web Guide book for sale
4-H chicks and jack-o-lantern carving D101
Hydroponics w/Bernie Kratky
Tea w/Dwight Sato
Natural Farming - Talapia w/Mike DuPont D101
Biochar w/Josiah Hunt at the organic garden
Catchment water w/Trish Macomber A105
Disease Clinic & Soil Analysis w/Brian Bushe & Scot Nelson
Diabetes info & Nutrition education w/Julia Zee B115

just a note first, hey dee and james sre finally here! took the master gardener course back in wyoming. is it still here in hawaii?
sorry everyone, is my certification for the master gardner good here?and since i'm new here where is 875 komohana?
To get there, drive to Hilo, turn left off Highway 11 on Kawailani Street. Go to Komohana (4-way stop signs). Turn right. It's just past Puainako on the makai side.

You need to get the East Hawaii Mapbook.

Master gardener certification is particular to each state so you need to start over here. There will be applications at the sale and the next class starts in February.

By the way, all incoming plants are visually inspected for insects. Then we put a popsicle stick with peanut butter on it in each pot. Then the pots sit for an hour. If there are any little fire ants they are attracted to the peanut butter and the plant is rejected.

Markie,can you tell more about the sale? I'll have to cancel something else to come and hope it will be worth it for me.I am looking for fruit trees.So tell please about the choice and the price range. Thanks.
If what you want is fruit trees I would go to the Plant It Hawaii sale which is twice a year; this year it will be November 5 and 6. Here is the URL: I brought in some dragonfruit for the sale though.

Many fruit trees are a lot better grafted. If someone just grows them in their back yard you don't know how they will turn out. For example avocado grown from seed may not be good; you don't know.

If you miss the Plant It Hawaii sale you can get their trees from Rozette's in HPP.

I saw lots of cool and unusual plants for sale though.


Thanks,Markie.If I have some time left I'd still come.Seems like an interesting event.

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