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Burger King
Yep, know all that .... Bring on the bEEf !!!

"Junky" fast food has been here all along guys ... So call it what every you want, but the same or worse is right down the street at the "local" plate lunch shop ... Also yummy.

Heard it before ... "Wat no veggies ? " "Sure, get Mac Salad."

Originally posted by Rene Siracusa

Are you folks aware that Burger King is responsible for a lot of Amazonian rainforest destruction, chopping down the forest to raise the beef for your burgers? Frankly, I'd rather have the oxygen.

Where do some of you come up with this stuff? ACORN? Sierra Club?
Really, is there real evidence that Burger King is running rampant with bulldozers in Brazil's rain forests so they can raise more beef to sell to American consumers?
I have to admit, in case you didn't already know [Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin], I'm a "Capitalist Pig!" I grew up in a country where enterprising was not just frowned upon, it was punished. The BK opening is a simple supply and demand thing. All fast food places have healthy options on their menu, so if you go there to be a pig don't blame them! [Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin]

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
(This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

Yep Obie, you hit the nail on the head!

Hawaiian deforestation was historically for the production of beef. Now it is for pesky Coqui eradication, beautiful McMansions and more good ole mainland USA commerce.

Too bad we didn't all move here to get away from that stuff!
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction." - Albert Einstein
Personally I don't eat at BK or any other fast food restaurant but supply and demand is king. I have often observed the lines and crowds at McDonald's in Keauu and Hilo and wished I owned one of them... license to print money. I like locally produced grass fed beef too... and fish... YUM!

When I was a teenager I worked in a meat packing plant...

I had already read Upton Sinclair's The Jungle in High school...

I saw many paralels to the book although it was not as bad, as Sinclair painted it in the book, it was pretty sickening.

Cow's hoofs, tails, guts all going into the hamburger grinder.

I don't eat beef today but if I did...It certainly wouldn't be Hamburger.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
I heard though the wireless Burger King was so busy yesterday they ran out of beef patties about noon.
wow, wait till mc D's hears about this! They will be in line to build one out there next.
That's terrible! Well, what they need to do is e-mail an order for three times that many beef patties into headquarters. Then, illegal immigrants can slaughter some more cows in a fetid feedlot flush with fecal matter. Those cows can then be processed by people who don't wash their hands in the employee bathroom as required. Eventually, this product can be put on a truck to the West Coast and then loaded in shipping containers, where it will begin its days long ocean journey. Eventually it will be unloaded by some mokes at Kawaihae, where it can begin its final taste-tantalizing journey to Pahoa! Yum!
....... And the people who cannot afford a family meal Hilo Burger Joint will be happy.

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