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Wanted:Pineapple tops/starts
Jane, would love to know if your methods do indeed keep the weeds down to a dull roar...

Enjoy the day! Ann
Enjoy the day! Ann
We just put pineapple tops anywhere, anytime and they grow. I don't know about in 6-12 months though, I think it's more like 2 years before you see the first fruit from a pineapple top, and I've been told you only get one or 2 from a plant and then they die off.

Spacing doesn't seem to matter. The previous owners of our house threw many pineapple tops over the lanai into the lot next door and we find them all over the place, some growing in clumps, some under trees and weeds. Coquis like to hide in them, but as the plants are so low to the ground they are easy to find and deal with.

Usually we just scrape a little hole in our cinder, throw in some homemade compost and put the top in. Then watch them grow, and wait for a pineapple to appear.

Ours all seem to grow in the summer, would love to have them year round, but I didn't know this was possible.


So far, so good, but I wouldn't count on anything being perfect at keeping weeds at bay. We just want it to be possible to more easily get the ones out that do start.

I like the wider spacing because it saves my hands and arms from getting shredded by the spines on the leaves when I weed or top up the mulch. For me, the spacing has nothing to do with the plant's needs and everything to do with my comfort :-)
I like the way you think Rene "spacing has nothing to do with the plant's needs and everything to do with my comfort :-)" My kind of gardening LOL

Enjoy the day! Ann
Enjoy the day! Ann
Well, each good thing has it's time and then passes. Dick is the BOMB for getting me all those pineapple tops... around 250. Now I need more. Anyone have a source? I am happy to match up for just a few or a ton. Yellow/gold or White... it's all good. Mahalo in advance.

I can trade for some. I have freshly slaughtered (and frozen) lamb, Hapu'u ferns, sometimes eggs.... or cash. Pam

edited for spelling... of course!

I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"

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