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Freshwater Prawns
I was wondering if anyone is raising any of these in a aquaponic system? I was going to give them a try in my aquaponic system and wanted to know if there was anything I needed to know? Yes, I know about molting and placing pipes or things for them to hide while molting.

If anyone is raising any. I sure would love to hear your good and bad about raising them.
There are some folks up Honoka`a way doing it.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Thanks for the links. I know Tim and taken his tour and talked to him a few times. Last time we talked. He didn't think or know if he would get back into prawns. They can be a little fussy. He hasn't had then for some time now. His farm houses all tilapia now. I will be getting my tilapia stock from him.

Just wanted to know if anyone else was growing them and had any other info. Thanks for the other link. I'll be sure to check it out. Once I get my place up and running. I'll be super to post some info for those who might want to give them a whirl.
Take care,
I have thought of doing this in my system but the main problem seems to be acquiring stock. As I understand it they need brackish water to breed. I am also looking for channel catfish, if anyone knows of a source.

Art and Orchids B&B
Art and Orchids B&B
Hey Jerry, thanks for stopping by. Yes, your right about stock. Last time I was at Tim's farm. We where talking about it. There is a company in Kona. They are support to be the people that supply them, but from what Tim was saying. I guess they have been keeping their stock to supply their own projects. I'm going to run over there next time I'm in town and talk with them.

If I have to. I'll just source them in the wild. It might take me some time, but it can be done. I'd rather just buy what I need and get my project under way. I've got some connections on the island. I'm going to see what I can dig up. I just hate asking favor's of anyone. I've never heard about them breeding in brackish water, but I'll look into it. I'll keep an eye out for some Channel Catfish also. If i can source some prawns. I plan on having one system with the prawns and the other one with my tilapia fish in it. The tilapia fish are pretty easy to deal with. Will see how the prawns work out.

How large of a system do you have?

Take care,
Just saw a blurb on TV last week. A mainland company is growing hydroponic lettuce and tilapia in the same system. They provide a local restaurant with just killed fish as it is close. Doesn't get any fresher. Don't remember where though.

Life goes on, with you or without you.
Peace and long life
Ya, there are a few companies doing that. That's pretty much what I'll be doing. I've got some family and friends that have gotten me in with a few high end restaurants in Kona. I pretty much grow what they want. Most of it will be lettuce, cherry tomatoes and some tilapia. The prawn will be for me and my family. They are a little bit harder to turn over. Tilapia are allot easier and faster. It's real relaxing caring for the fish also.

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