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Guns in Hawaii
Well, since I have some time on my hands due to a six week layoff, I went through my firearms and took some in to a local gun shop and put them on consignment.Good bye to my Thompson Center Contender single shot handuns that I used in long range 100 meter and 200 meter competition.They would never be a threat to anyone.If a bad guy tried to shoot a group of people with one, he would get one shot.Then as he reloaded the victims could walk up and beat him to a pulp.But they were handguns, so I'm trying to sell them.

I may sell off all my handguns.But I will keep my double barrel 12 gauge.If I was asleep at my place in Hawaii and I was woken up by some trespasser that thought he could smash his way in and take over (just like what happened to me on mt 22nd birthday late one night here in Wa. State), I think I'd rather have the double barrel anyway.

Before my 22nd birthday, I never thought anyone would knock my door down and try to take over.But it happened. May it never happen to anyone here.

I believe in walk softly-but carry a big stick.At least in my own home.


Jon in Puyallup, Wa.
Jon in Keaau/HPP
Now now, Jon,

that is inappropriate behavior to want to have piece of mind in the land of the free by owning a shot gun no less for protection. We have laws to protect you that will do that job and if we don’t have enough laws the do-gooder’s will invent some new ones. Soon it will be illegal to draw a picture of a gun and hold it in front of anyone else. That is unless you have registered your gun drawing pencil.

The Lack

The Lack Toons
Originally posted by The Lack

Now now, Jon,

that is inappropriate behavior to want to have piece of mind in the land of the free by owning a shot gun no less for protection. We have laws to protect you that will do that job and if we don’t have enough laws the do-gooder’s will invent some new ones. Soon it will be illegal to draw a picture of a gun and hold it in front of anyone else. That is unless you have registered your gun drawing pencil.

The Lack

That's what I should have done on my 22nd birthday!!I could have put my arm around the miscreant and recited the Wa. State laws concerning smashing down the kitchen door at a strangers house!!Boy, I was out of line pulling my handgun and holding him for the local constabullary to come do their job.By the way, mine was the second house he smashed and entered that night.The police knew him by name as a well known trouble maker.The first house he surprised a lady while she was taking a shower!!Hey-at least I was dressed.

The Lack Toons

Jon in Puyallup, Wa.
Jon in Keaau/HPP
Good for you birdmove!
If some of the criminals here would realize that we are able and willing to use such force as is needed to defend ourselves, they would be a bit more hesitant to engage in hateful, harmful actions and behavior.
Law enforcement, Police and courts are after the fact, deaths and damage are done.
I think it is conceivable that career criminals are job security for law enforcement agencies.
My god this thread is a bore.
Shoot someone robbing your house in Hawaii, and you are going to go to Arizona. But I guess your possessions are more precious than life. Go back to the Mainland and "Don't the door hit you on the way out."
Shoot someone robbing your house in Hawaii, and you are going to go to Arizona. But I guess your possessions are more precious than life. Go back to the Mainland and "Don't the door hit you on the way out."

Now this is the mentality that WILL get you killed. Let’s be sure to let all of the criminals know that our freedoms are subject to prosecution if we defend our life and family. Around my house if you should find yourself dead in the process of a home invasion think of it as this, hay diden't this guy know the Hawaii laws?. In this case I’ll do the time as long as my family is not harmed. Please understand this, I don't give a hoot about possesions but you will lay dead at my feet if you invade my home.

I will not be intimated by criminals I never have been and never will be because Samuel Colt has given me peace of mind and body.

The Lack

The Lack Toons
Originally posted by Mauka

Dave - sorry, but I've always found that to be lame argument. The same could be said about heroin. As long as handguns are available with such ease, they will find their way onto the black market. Have any of you actually seen a gunfight or its aftermath? I would ask you to try that argument on the families of victims or the parents of children killed by accidental firings. I'm proud of Hawaii's gun laws.
It seems to me that to too many it's the right to bear arms that make this country great not the fact that we are 25th in the world in education or 37th in the world in healthcare. Have at me, but I fail to see what is so worth protecting and dying for.


I am sorry that you find an absolute truth to be a weak argument. The fact is just that, a fact. Keep the handguns out the hands of criminals and the problem disappears. But yet the same weak argument can be said for what you say. Get rid of all guns and there won't be a problem. I see your argument in no different light than mine. So if you want to call my argument weak then you must do the same for yours. It is not that I don't think you are stating some truth here. The fact is it is unrealistic for one to think that it can occur.

I personally advocate the loosening of the Hawaii State gun laws in some respects and tighten it in other ways. For instance, require proof of a certain size/weight safe is properly installed in the home where the gun(s) are stored. No safe, no guns, period. Write laws to severely punish those whose guns are stolen because they are not in the safe when not home. You see Mauka I look for realistic solutions to the problems not over-simplified statements. Handguns are not able to be had with ease. The gun laws you support so much keep the guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens. Not the criminals. If you are a criminal you need to obtain a gun illegally since the Hawaii State laws keep you from obtaining one legally. The issue here is twofold. If you remove all guns from the known law abiding citizens who have them (confiscation) then only the criminals will have the guns. You cannot expect confiscation when you don't know who has them. And it is proven by the 30+ states that allow concealed carry that having a gun is a deterrent to guns being used in a crime. Since it is unrealistic to take guns out of the hands of all people of a state or country (look at Australia and England) it is literally impossible to do. Inclusive of that is the illegal importation and sale of guns after the guns are made illegal. You literally cannot stop guns from getting into the hands of criminals. But the government can stop the guns from getting into the hands of law abiding citizens. I really don't understand why you want to support the criminals rights and not those of the constitution?

Unfortunately Mauka if you take the emotion out of what you say you state no facts and therefore have no argument IMHO.

The Ka'u Web

The Kona Forum

Da Kine Web Hosting
Betcha I'm older than you, Lack. My house HAS been robbed and I'm still here. Everything taken was easily replaced. No guns, no foul. I'll also betcha that I've seen more violence than you on my time on Earth. There's nothing pretty or exciting about it. Even a simple street fight is ugly. I really don't think that anyone can appreciate what it feels like to pull the trigger on another human being until you've actually done it. Your posturing and racist "jokes" are meaningless to me apart from the insight it gives me into who you are. Your talk is very cheap.
My sister lives in Los Angeles. On Christmas morning this year her neighbor got into a "road rage" incident with a car load of "gang members". The "Gang members" followed them home and shot three of the other family members unloading Christmas presents, paralyzing one,seriously wounded another and grazing a third. The neighbors sons came out of the house shooting and killed the "gang member". I'll keep my guns.

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