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Your first BB gun
Really, really bad joke, Lack. Why am I not surprised. Look up what Freud had to say about jokes like this.
Well DanialP,


They sell BB guns at Wallyworld here in Hilo that is where I got the one that I sent to my grandson. I did not see a age restiction on any of the packaging, only a disclaimer for supervision. I don't see why every thread has to have the words HAWAII in it to satisfy“all” Punawebbers. Should I have started this thread by saying:

Your first BB gun in Hawaii, or Puna? Or maybe Hawaii gecko’s vers boy with first BB gun in Puna. Please don’t take everything to heart, I’m simply asking what and how people think about adolescents having a BB gun.
I personally think that it builds responsibility, character, and trust in a young boy. These are attributes I find admirable in young people coming into their own, both boys and girls.

I also know that there many that will think that I’m just stirring the pot. To those I say, “get real it’s a big world out there” and if you can’t figure out what this has to do with Hawaii, well noff said.

The Lack

The Lack Toons
I never had a BB gun growing up. My first gun was a .22 bolt action single shot target rifle when I was 14. But was not allowed to have it until I took the Junior Rifle Safety course from the NRA. Still have the rifle and it shoots 5 shots into a dime size hole at 50 yds.

I think I am going to buy one when I move back to the BI. I can then practice with it on my property.

The Ka'u Web

The Kona Forum

Da Kine Web Hosting
My first BB gun was also a Daisey "Red Rider". I collected cans for maybe 7 months? to get the money for it. I remember riding my BMX bike to the Gunshop and buying the rifle like it was yesterday. I took the box under my arm and jumped on my bike racing home. Fun little "can plinker". Just a bit of advice for your Daughter, she shouldn't keep the gun away from the kid it will only make him "jones" for it more. She should set up a safe time and place for him to use the rifle and teach him the correct way to handle firearms(I know it's a BB gun). She should also make him take AND PASS a hunter safety class. just my 2 cents.
I have a couple of pellet guns and I enjoy shooting them. I have never subscribed to the theory that they teach a kid responsibility. As soon as the kid gets off on his own he shoots stuff up for the heck of it. I never had one as a kid. Other kids did and I recall windows being broken and mooring bouys being sunk up at the lake.

I think that what teaches a kid responsibility is being with adults who are acting responsibly. Just giving the kid the bb gun is like leaving a steak where the dog can get at it. Everybody knows what's gonna happen.
The hunter safety course is a great idea. It gives tons of useful info and it exposes the kid to a bunch of responsible adults in an environment where conservation, ethics, and responsibility are actually fun and enjoyable.
Since we are on the subject of teaching youth about handling guns (not Puna or Hawaii); I taught my kids about guns with my 30-30. It's always loaded, and they knew it and when they fired it for the first time, they were filled with immediate respect and there was no delusion about whether a rifle was a toy or a deadly weapon. After that they were never curious to go and "play" with it.

James and Lack; True politician's rationalization.
My first BB gun was a Daisy pump action which resembled a pump action shot gun. I seem to recall the movie Jaws being released around the same time so that would make it around 1975 when I was ten years old. I looked up this gun and found that Daisy has brought it back. I found this at bass pro.

This is what the ad says:
Bass Pro Shops® is pleased to announce the return of the classic pump BB gun that delighted and introduced millions of children to shooting for more than 60 years, the Daisy® Model 25 Pump BB Gun. Created by legendary Daisy designer, Charles Lefever, the Model 25 helped make Daisy air guns a staple underneath Christmas trees across the country for decades after its introduction in 1914. The modern Model 25 will take adults back to the excitement of their childhood shooting adventures, sporting many of the features found on Mr. Lefever's original pump air gun design. Just like the classic, the new Model 25 features a solid wood pistol grip stock and fore end, durable steel construction, a take-down screw, a removable screw-in 50-shot tube, and fully adjustable, flip-up peep or open rear sights. So give your young budding outdoorsman the same joy you and your father enjoyed at his age with the original pump BB gun, the Daisy Model 25! Caliber: .177. Length: 37". Weight: 3.1 lbs.

Now that's what I call marketing. I remember shooting my gun totally unsupervised with friends at bottles, birds and whatever else I thought might be fun at the time. Times have changed since then. I would never dream of giving a ten year this gun now. It was only pure luck that something unfortunate didn't happen like shooting some kid's eye out.
Was actually considering a pellet gun (or BB) for the mongoose. More fun than setting a trap.

My first, about age 8, was a Crossman BB (rifle)and followed soon by a CO2 Crossman pistol. Grandpa used to tell me to shoot the cows in the side rump area when they refused to move where we wanted them to. Didn't hurt them, but they moved and it was safer than getting close enough to use a cattle prod.

Boys have fired everything from .22, .38, .44. .45 pistols to every kind of shotgun, rifle, AR-15's, etc. that you can imagine since they were about 9 or 10. They know what each gun can do and why safety is important. Shooting a pumpkin with an M1 or AR-15 and explaining how its kinda like your head gets the point across real well.
Unfortunately, gun laws in Hawaii are beyond reasonable.
MDD - I'll give your words back to you. If you don't like it here, go back to where you came from. Let's be just like LA, Detroit, Philadelphia, Etc. Etc. Everyone gets guns and we can all shoot each other over traffic, insults, or whatever.

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