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home sales data in HPP ?
as we talk about hawaii values isnt it a moot point now that we are at or near the bottom?

my reasoning....

we live in & own a house that has a certain value per foot (lets park financing for a bit - pretend we are all cash buyers)

Boom - the Mozillo induced crash comes along.......

all hawaii values dropped about the same

now when one and sells - the next house will have the same (depreciated) square foot values as the one we just sold.

so if I paid 200k for a house that has dropped to 100k the replacement home will also have dropped in value accordingly and should have about the same square foot cost & values in the end I am even.

all this other talk is about loans and financing and who is holding the bag..... (see link to see how the big boys are dealing with it)

In the end - homes are to live in not to bank on imho start speculating in any commodity on the margin and you will get bit sooner or later
Yeah so much for idea of the "Grass Shack Money Making Machine" that was being touted by someone a few years ago.

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