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Ahhhhh, Whats da guys name ?

Hes got a cellular business right off Kaloli ..On 6th or something ...

I know, not helping .. but POSITIVE this business can.

Advertises on the radio all the time.

Will hunt a round a bit more ...
Probably not the answer you want to see, but I live on Kaloli Point, use Verizon and it's very good, I very rarely have a call dropped (in fact I can't remember the last one). I also use Verizon's mobile broadband there without any problems (and it's relatively quick). When I've had people stay with different cell providers, they've all had problems. Remember though, coverage can change in just a few hundred yards depending on geography and terrain.

Hi Tom,

Possible to give practical example of relatively quick please ?

Punaweb loads in a second, three minute You Tube clip loads without stopping, can watch TV shows on computer ... stuff li' dat possible ?

Much appreciated and thanks !

Pog - I'm on the north side of Kaloli Point just in case this doesn't apply to the other side!

It's relatively quick for mobile broadband. I average around 0.8-1Mb/s download (about 0.4 for upload). Sometimes it's worse but sometimes it's quicker. I also have an antenna attached to the USB modem which seems to help but not by too much (it was about $20 from Verizon I think). To put it in other words, it's about 20 to 30 times faster than dialup.

Youtube videos often load OK but sometimes I'll pause them for a minute or so at the start to let them load so I can watch without pausing (don't know what connection you have, but in no way does mobile broadband compare to cable). TV shows - don't know and the same with movies. I have a 5 GB cap so that stuff doesn't get done. It's also expensive - $60 a month, but I have no other choice other than dialup.

I've been traveling a lot recently and have stayed in LA, Tucson and Boston. In all cases the mobile broadband connection was better on Kaloli Point than in those places believe it or not!

Having said all that, I wasn't trying to say how great the mobile broadband is, just that it's a Verizon service and seems to work quite well where I am.

PS. I should also add that Verizon are pissing me off as I keep getting offers from them telling me I should sign up for their 4G network and how I can get discounts and all sorts of wonderful things. There is no 4G network here as far as I can tell.

PPS. Forget technology and all that stuff - the coquis are quiet and I can hear whales in the bay. They're slapping the water, singing and spouting just a few hundred yards away. Wish I could see them but hearing them is enough and much more inspiring than something on youtube!

We live on the Kaloli Point side of Paradise Ala Kai and use ATT wireless phones with no problems.

Thanks Tom !

You have cable on Kaloli Point?

Don't rule out the fact that your dropped call issues may have more to do with your handset than the network its running on. And don't look at the "bars" as a reliable indicator of signal strength -- recent studies have shown they are frequently inaccurate at best. You might want to check out on-line reviews of handsets you like, then see if AT&T or Verizon will let you try them out for a limited time. Verizon used to have a 14 day "worry free guarantee" and I'm sure AT&T has something similar, but be sure to check the fine print. Also, it might make sense to buy from the company directly, not a reseller (like a mall kiosk or generic cellular store).

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