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Why is everybody always picking on me?
Well, somebody's nuts.

Either Mauka has a split personality or someone is enough of a freak to post on Tom's blog as Mauka for whatever reason.

Handle-jacking is pretty common.

Getting weird...
That comment didn't sound like Mauka at all -- Mauka, the guy who gets upset at the idea of hurting coqui frogs, who writes with a whole different syntax.

Anybody can pick a name to respond to a cartoon. They don't need Mauka's password like they would need to jack his nic here.
he is the kind that will just change his anonymous handle and try and sneak in the back door
and you say this based on what?

You guys who think using a screen name instead of a real name is some despicable act make me laugh. In most cases, it is smart to use a screen name on the internet. There are people you can't even see reading this site, or any site, who can pluck personal info out and compile it, so sure, use your real name and while you're at it, put your SS# and your mother's maiden name in your sigline.

A number of people here want the name recognition. They run businesses or are in politics. I'm sick and tired of the snide remarks about people who have the sense of personal privacy to pick a name.

It does not matter one iota to me whether an insult comes from a person using a screen name or a real name. An asshole is an asshole by any name.

A screen name becomes a "real" name for anyone who uses it a long time in a forum. I have a couple screen names for different hobbies that are well known by a lot of people, and they know me by those names, shootz they might call me by the initials if we met in person (as has happened).

What is sneaky is when someone signs up with multiple screen names and plays different personalities with them, uses them to talk to himself or herself, and to play games. That could be done just as easily with names that are real or sound real.

You think you are indicting someone as a coward for having a screen name. Wake up, it's 2011, it's a totally normal and acceptable way to use the internet. Using your real name is a choice of peeling away a big layer of your privacy, a choice that allows people to find where you live, and work, and play -- not everyone is OK with that.

A person can desire privacy for defensive purposes and not to attack with anonymity, so just get over this idea that you're better than other people because you use your real name, all of you who are drumming this dead horse to death. An attack is an attack, and it's the words you post that matter, not your name.
Why is everybody always picking on me:

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Originally posted by The Lack

Check it out especially John, Dave, and Mark you guys are the best and you sure pegged him right.

See The Lacks post above. These folks he mentions are part of the "gang of bullies". The group I am seeing support each other and go after the same folks did so on the racist post / don't ask don't tell post / self amusing post.
I am new to puna web (not puna) and these guys have been really attacking since I have been on which is just the last month. They call others out but when one of their own does what they have been riding others about, it is fine with them. Hypocritical.
I agree that they should not be telling anyone that a post or thread is irrelevant and doesn't belong on puna web. However, why only tell some members this and when one of the buddies does it they all support this.

The Lack,
Speaking of hypocritical, you pounce on someone for keeping anonymous
yet, one of your buddies, konadave hides behind alias. So it doesn't bother you that konadave is anonymous? Interesting.
Who is Mark? Is he also posting under an anonymous alias?
If you are going to continually harp on anonymous posters, why not look at your gang of bullies first? hypocritical.

Orchidlandguy - If you can't figure out konadave's real name, you aren't too smart. Try clicking on one of his links in that signature you hate so much.
konadave doesn't mean anything. No thanks, last time I clicked on one of his buddy's links it sent me to white NAZI site. Not interested in spending any time finding out who konadave is.
If this buddy, the Lack is going to criticise others for anonymous alias all I ask is that he look at his buds first and not attack others when whis own friends don't use their names.

Kinda looking to flame by calling me not so smart? Really?
Just because I don't want to go looking up people's information and finding out their real names when they are not freely sharing their names does not make me "not too smart"

I could be wrong here and totally off base but how I read and understood the quote you provided was that it is against the rules in most forums to have mutiple account names. As a matter of fact I am a member of quite few forums, like yourself and I don't know of one that allows multiple accounts. Maybe I am wrong but that is how I interpreted it.

I don't allow multiple accounts in any of my forums. It makes it too difficult to moderate the forum properly if everyone has more than one account. I don't know what Rob's rule is about it tho. Maybe he can (or someone who knows) chime in hear and let me know.

As far as your comments about user names I agree completely. It makes no difference to me if they use a real name or an alias. I am one of those that prefer to not have an alias that hides my identity. I provide enough information in everyone of my posts here and on every forum that I participate in that a monkey with half a brain can find my full name, address and phone number in less than a minute. I try to be as transparent as possible. There is a good reason for this. I have an online business and it does not look good if I try and hide ownership information.

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oink, thanks for the smile! Oldie but goodie there. [8D]

Orchidlandguy, thanks for replying and stating who it is you're talking about. Perhaps because I am not new, it's not so obvious to me that this is a united "gang." Perhaps it's more that they're of one mind at this point in time, over this issue, or don't like the same person. There are different people who come down on me, and would think that we all have a few people that we just don't get along with.

I'm not disputing that people on forums make alliances. I've seen it many times, and I've made alliances of my own to cope with it.

You didn't mention whether you saw the point I was trying to make about Tom's lead line.

Why is everybody always picking on me?
That he's mocking people who he thinks are crybabies, not starting a topic on how everyone is mean to him. Some people read that line straight instead of as mockery.

So the more you complain about bullies in response to his post, the more that gives him the response he was looking for when he posted a cartoon entitled "Punaweb Crybabies."
Lack,I read your blog to-day.I like your policy:
"This is a no handcuff or muzzle site, If you have something to say…..say it….I’ll post it."
Glad that your wife is recovering.
Just letting you know that Mauka that posted there probably not the same Mauka from PW.
I got an e-mail from him that his joke was not an attack on John Rabi and I believe it.
That Mauka on your site is viciously attacking John and sounds like he is out of his mind (the gay part).

@Orchidlandguy - Konadave offered his house to stay for Tom though never met the guy.I'd say -nice guy.And he changed his sig too ):.

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