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Quick request - somewhere with free wireless

Quick favor to ask - a friend of mine who only arrived for a vacation yesterday needs a place with free wireless for a couple of hours tomorrow (Weds) - Keaau or Hilo. She used to use Borders but of course that's gone. She needs an hour or two to talk to/email her doctor on the mainland. Any recommendations? I think Starbucks has wireless but I'm not a coffee drinker so don't go there.

Grateful for any suggestions.

McDonalds in Keeau.
Thanks Obie! If anyone has other suggestions I'll see them early tomorrow so can pass on the list. Thanks so much!

Starbucks ...
One by Jamba Juice at Prince Kuhio, one on Kiluaea just Puna side of Ben Franklin's (and across the street).

The Borders crowd has migrated there.

"Sometimes it's not enough to know what things mean, sometimes you have to know what things don't mean." — Bob Dylan
UH-Hilo Student Plaza is a wireless hotspot
The library
I tried the Startbucks and what I got was message asking for my password. The line was too long and the folks with computers seemed wired in with earphones, so did not aks them.
What do you do for the Starbucks password?

I use these guys on the road - works well and you only pay for what you need - no sneaky long term contracts.

you can buy the usb hardware at wally world for less than 50 dollars, I keep one in my laptop case - load it up with "time" it when I need it well worth the 10$
Originally posted by Orchidlandguy

I tried the Startbucks and what I got was message asking for my password. The line was too long and the folks with computers seemed wired in with earphones, so did not aks them.
What do you do for the Starbucks password?
You shouldn't have to do anything. The store may not have updated their connections. I would print this out and send it to the store requiring a password with a big [?] on it and ask what's going on at their store.
I find it odd that these companies give free internet to anyone and have happy customers, but when you spend 125 dollars or more at a hotel, they charge you BIG bucks!!! Small things like that ruin it for me.



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