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We are thinking about doing a accent wall in Granny's bedroom with wallpaper of the thin split reed type or grass type. Then I realized after 23 yrs that I havent ever seen anywhere that sells wallpaper so it is probably a bad idea.... but we live in a warm & (fairly) dry area of Puna. So whatcha think? and where would I get it locally (as I know I can order it on line but would rather shop locally than not.)
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Cat, my mother-in-law used to have that in a bath in Chicago area.... one caution, if you do find it, was that the wallpaper collected dust & webby things, due to the irregular surface & was a devil to clean if anything splashed onto it... she finally replaced it after nearly a decade & it was a dusty job, as the grassy reeds were dry & powdery.
This was our only experience with this type of paper & she swore never again...
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My mom put that kind of wall paper in a hallway when I was a kid and regretted it right away because it was so hard to keep clean and intact. The corners and areas around light switches really looked ratty within a year.
We were just visiting friends on the Kona side who care take a very fancy vacation rental right on the water in Keauhau and they were showing us around. The walls were covered with very nice hala matting (the kind with the finer weave) and it looked great. They said it had been over coated with something after installation and was very easy to keep clean.
Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
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Our mainland cat used ours for a scratching post shortly after it was installed. Other than that it held up well as an accent behind our family room bookcases.
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We had grasscloth in Arizona when I was a kid, spiders loved it!
Puna: Our roosters crow first
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This is why I love PunaWeb! Thanks for the opinions! Yah it may be better to just go ahead and paint unless I can find something that can be coated as suggested.
Plus Robert was grinching already at maybe having to hang wall paper!
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I've never heard anyone say they regretted painting, but I've heard tons of people regretting wallpaper -- esp. the grass stuff. Besides, if you paint and don't like it, you still have easy options to change/upgrade. Once you paper, you're committed to the paper (or to the messy, yucky job of de-papering and re-prepping the wall for painting)
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I removed an entire house full of grass paper coated walls once. I curse the person who ever thought it was a good idea. The glue used to hold it up was a nightmare.
Stencil or one of those print rollers instead ?
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Right on the money pog! I got a Martha stewart stencil kit on the clearance rack at HD a week ago! I can stencil grass and bamboo patterns to my hearts content!!