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Warm Pond & Sunscreen
Theodore and Trevor,
I follow the same system, the time of day management, and have since shortly after I moved here. I don't want to have to put on sunscreen every day.
Hmmm ya know... When I was a kid about 12 years old I'd head down to Hanauma bay almost every weekend ... It was awesome, almost like watching jack custo. The reefs were all healthy and fish galore. Hammerheads, Barracuda, Turtles, seen it all I even saw a shark hatch out of it's pod there. Amazing!

Long story short, went back with my G/F about 10 years ago, and I was so disappointed. The reefs just gray skeletons with no fish. It sucked big time. But also I can see why it's all dead from thousands of tourist every day pee and sun screen and doing things like sitting or standing on the coral. So... after a few hours of being depressed, hiked around to the toilet bowl.

Sigh... It doesn't matter there are millions of people flocking to the beach spreading sun screen everywhere so... while it might not be good for the environment your just a drop in a very large bucket. That person was just being an uninformed a-hole. As, the only thing you can't do at the bay these days is feed the fish. The best was to bring a bag from frozen pea's. Smile Good Fun!

I liked "aerosol cheese" for fish food while diving... very controllable, no mess, fish loved it. Haven't done that in a few decades.

use to put a the last pea in my mask, the fish would swarm around trying to get it.

If it wasn't big fish it was ok but I wouldn't do that with bigger fish might knock your mask off or worse.

We should get a list of good snorkel beaches on the big island. I wouldn't mind trying it again. Not much into diving. Ears can't take more then 10'. Blew out an ear drum going down 15 feet in fresh water. Some water fall pool on Maui, can't recall the name. Wasn't fun and kinda scary because if it happens you lose your sense of direction and have to just keep swimming towards the light.
Cousin of mine lost the tip of her finger to a parrot fish by feeding it peas. Sorta takes the fun out of a day in the water. Pretty sure peas are not a normal part of the fishies diet--probably fingers aren't either.

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